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Multimedia Audio and Video in Linux

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== Audio Players ==== Audio Players for X.Org ====Console and Command Line Audio Players====== [[CMus]] - C* Music Player ====Ncurses music player.:· FLAC:· Ogg/Vorbis:· MP3 (libmad):· Wav:· Modules (libmodplug)==== [[MOC]] — Console Audio Player for Linux ====Recommended! Ncurses audio player. [[MOC]] (short for Music on Console) is a dual-pane music player.  It has an interface that is like Midnight Commander.  The left pane lists the tracks in a folder, while the right pane contains the contents of a playlist file (if there is one in the folder).MOC's keyboard shortcuts are quite intuitive.  ou press n to play the next track in your list or p to play the previous one, and press S to set MOC to shuffle tracks.You can use mplayer to play audio and video.  It can be used to play audio files from console.==== CMus - C* Music Player ====CMus and Moc moved into new section!Ncurses music player.:· FLAC:· Ogg/Vorbis:· MP3 (libmad):· Wav:· Modules (libmodplug) ==== MOC — Console Audio Player for Linux ====Ncurses audio player.Mp3blaster is an audio player for the text console. It's been around since 1997 and runs on Mac and Linux.  Mp3blaster is not in active development. Maintainers at Debian have provided patches over the years to keep mp3blaster alive. (Other than patches it has not changed in years but should still compile and work with a modern distribution) ==== mpg123 and ogg123 ==== command line only  [[Category:Linux_Sound]]