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TLauncher for Minecraft

975 bytes added, 22:11, 7 February 2021
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TLauncher seems to run well with OpenJDK version 11 (as of 2020/2021).In the example you will notice that Oracle Java (an older version) is selected as the default Java for the environment.  This is not a problem, although TLauncher seems to run well with OpenJDK version 11 (as of 2020/2021). When you wish to launch TLauncher simply right-click on the jar file and choose to open with OpenJDK rather than Oracle Java.  TLauncher will launch, and if an update is available you will be prompted to install the update. Caution! ''TLauncher is a 3rd party software (or app as the kidos say) and therefore can have a potential payload or security hole.  Make sure you obtain the TLauncher binary from the correct source (not listed here) and be aware that with future updates what might be a safe binary now could potentially become unsafe in the future.  Case in point, a future update might be used as a Denial of Service tool or for some other malicious purpose such as rigging a presidential election in the United States so that some old Democrat with dementia is established as an illegitimate president.''