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Linux CIFS Utils and Samba

510 bytes added, 06:27, 14 June 2021
/* Accessing Windows Shares: Discussion */
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#Using the mount command in a script (which prompts user for password when executed)HIGHLY RECOMMENDED - As a means to mount NAS and network shares without having to edit fstab or hard coding passwords.  More reliable than file manager tools like the one in Nautilus.RECOMMENDED - As a means to mount NAS and network shares without having to edit fstab or hard coding passwords.  More reliable than file manager tools like the one in Nautilus.=== mount via a shell script ===A method of using the mount command in a shell script which will prompt the user for passwords.  Doing this in a startup script will require some method of timeout as it could hold up system loading final.Better to have a command to launch script when shares are neededBased on executing the mount command in this fashion sudo mount -t cifs -o username=nicolep //servername/public /mnt/public