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Unturned: RocketMod

2,830 bytes added, 18:30, 9 December 2021
/* Commands / Usage */
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
== Groups and Permissions ==By default Rocket installs with (3) player levels, or groups.  Each has access to certain commands and abilities.  Default groups are "default" and "vip".  Those two are defined in Rocket/Permissions.config.xml and the third level is the admin level which has no group entry.  To define what commands and abilities are available to a group you must edit Permissions.config.xml.  For example, if we want regular non-privileged players to be able to use the /ammo /i /v and /heal commands, some of which are from other mods, we must add entries to make  Rocket/Permissions.config.xml contain: <nowiki>  <DefaultGroup>default</DefaultGroup></nowiki> <nowiki>  <Groups></nowiki> <nowiki>    <Group></nowiki> <nowiki>      <Id>default</Id></nowiki> <nowiki>      <DisplayName>Guest</DisplayName></nowiki> <nowiki>      <Prefix>Player</Prefix></nowiki> <nowiki>      <Suffix /></nowiki> <nowiki>      <Color>white</Color></nowiki> <nowiki>      <Members /></nowiki> <nowiki>      <Priority>100</Priority></nowiki> <nowiki>      <Permissions></nowiki> <nowiki>        <Permission Cooldown="0">p</Permission></nowiki> <nowiki>        <Permission Cooldown="5">ammo</Permission></nowiki> <nowiki>        <Permission Cooldown="5">i</Permission></nowiki> <nowiki>        <Permission Cooldown="5">v</Permission></nowiki> <nowiki>        <Permission Cooldown="60">heal</Permission></nowiki> <nowiki>        <Permission Cooldown="0">essentials.command.kits</Permission></nowiki> <nowiki>        <Permission Cooldown="0">essentials.command.kit</Permission></nowiki> <nowiki>        <Permission Cooldown="90">essentials.kit.fuel</Permission></nowiki> <nowiki>        <Permission Cooldown="90">essentials.kit.starter</Permission></nowiki> <nowiki>      </Permissions></nowiki> <nowiki>    </Group></nowiki>When a normal player connects to the server, his name will be displayed with the word "player" appended to the front because of line 6 (Prefix).  If you don't want that, change that line to: <nowiki>      <Prefix /></nowiki>The commands like v to spawn a vehicle and i to spawn an item are now available to regular players in the default player group, the group everyone starts out in.For some reason if the command is part of the uEssentials mod then it has to be formatted with "essentials." prefixed to the command in this configuration even though the command is one word, such as with the kits command.  Two word commands like /kit fuel and /kit starter work the same way, as part of uEssentials they require prefixed to their entry in this config file the "essentials."  It is not like that with most plugins, but with some it is.  Try it without first and if that doesn't work then whatever plugin the command is coming from must have specific requirements for the formatting.