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76 bytes added, 17:36, 7 November 2022
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Canonical's attitude as a company is not in keeping with the Linux community, as Canonical seems about commercial success above community involvement.  Collaboration is important to more than just free software users, it's a key tenant of the computer industry.  Bill Gates never understood this and although he created for himself great wealth, he set the industry back many years by stifling innovation.  Canonical ignores standards and conventions set forth by the collaborative Linux community of developers.  The Canonical / Ubuntu model for Linux would create yet another Microsoft style operating system, driving users to seek yet another alternative (probably a win for FreeBSD).Canonical's attitude as a company is not in keeping with the Linux community, as Canonical seems about commercial success above community involvement.  Canonical requires copyright assignment for every one of their projects. Collaboration is important to more than just free software users, it's a key tenant of the computer industry.  Bill Gates never understood this and although he created for himself great wealth, he set the industry back many years by stifling innovation.  Canonical ignores standards and conventions set forth by the collaborative Linux community of developers.  The Canonical / Ubuntu model for Linux would create yet another Microsoft style operating system, driving users to seek yet another alternative (probably a win for FreeBSD).