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1,551 bytes added, 11 February
/* Problems */
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This is a Qt5 front-end for mplayer.  SMPlayer remembers the settings of all files you play including time position.  Warning:  The developers added an annoying DONATE NAG that occasionally pops up on launch.  See [ Debian Bug report logs - #964359] and request to remove from Debian repository.  == Problems =====SMPlayer on X11 error Could not find the Qt platform plugin===Error experienced on Mint Linux when using MPlayer with SMPlayer front-end.  This is on x11 and not Wayland.  $ smplayer qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. Aborted (core dumped)The problem is caused by the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  Some poorly written software, such as newshosting, requires LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to an alternative location such as within the installation directory of newshosting, as an example.  SMPlayer relies on access to the "correct" library, not the hacked up copy needed for poorly written software.  Type this in console: unset LD_LIBRARY_PATHNow SMPlayer should function again.  ''Be careful running hack-job poorly written scabware like newshosting or other software that requires you to substitute libraries in local directories over system libraries.'' On a related note, if you are using Wayland rather than x11 there are discussions online about SMPlayer compatibility not covered here.