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HFDY Malahit DSP SDR v3

1,330 bytes added, 15:56, 12 November 2023
/* HFDY clone in comparison with the Russia-made DSP-2 */
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
There is one primary online source for a review comparison of the two radios.  It is the Dan Robinson comparing Russian Malahit DSP-2 to the Chinese clone article which has been copied and reproduced on a number of different web sites.  In summary the review concludes:  The original Malahit DSP-2 from "Malahiteam" is a portable SDR with built in speaker and touchscreen. It has a frequency range spanning between 50 kHz to 50 MHz, 50 MHz to 250 MHz and 400 MHz to 2 GHz. The Chinese "HFDY V3" clone appears to be superior in terms of build quality with its metal construction, solid metal knobs, dual SMA antenna connectors, additional internal shielding, and front firing speaker.  It also has a styled golden speaker grill. These are all improvements over the Russian made version, however it's important to note that the Chinese clone version comes with older firmware.  It is possible to update the firmware to the latest version released by the Russian designer, however, the process can be somewhat risky.Dan Robinson performed the firmware upgrade on his unit and concludes there is no difference in performance between the two. Dan goes on to mention that both the clone and original firmware do not address the unit's grounding sensitivity, which is a product of the metal case and noticeable with limited antenna.