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Pervert Email Scam

5,515 bytes added, 25 January
Created page with "Bulletin: Email Phishing Scam utilizing extortion via Social Engineering to commit financial Fraud The scam involves an individual or group that will send out thousands of ca..."
Bulletin: Email Phishing Scam utilizing extortion via Social Engineering to commit financial Fraud The scam involves an individual or group that will send out thousands of canned message emails to individuals on an email list obtained by various means and hope that a small number of recipients are fooled into thinking it is personalized, targeted, and a legitimate threat. Only a small number, less than one percent of recipients need be fooled for the scam to be profitable. This one is a HIT and MISS scam - meaning that for every X number, perhaps even 1000 people that receive the email, the sender scam artist hope that at least one will actually be a pervert and believe that he (probably he) or she is on video or has been recorded doing something that would be reputation damaging. The culprits have no idea what you do with your computer and the vast majority of people receiving this laugh knowing that they do not partake in the accusatory activity. DO NOT BE FOOLED BY ANY LIKE MESSAGE OR REMOTELY SIMILAR TO THE ONE BELOW. Believe me, even if you are a little naughty in your online habits, you have not been targeted, and the nuns at the convent probably got the exact same email. This scammer is not a hacker and actually knows nothing about you. He probably bought the email list he is using and doubtfully possesses the skill to obtain it by any other means. It is a very old physiological form of extortion without leverage, or what poker players call a bluff, except that this scam artist uses the Internet to spam the bluff to thousands of people at the same time. See below for an example message captured by one of our honeypot email servers. SAMPLE: <nowiki>Hello pervert,</nowiki> <nowiki></nowiki> <nowiki>I want to inform you about a very bad situation for you. However, you can benefit from it, if you will act wisely.</nowiki> <nowiki></nowiki> <nowiki>Have you heard of Pegasus?</nowiki> <nowiki>This is a spyware program that installs on computers and smartphones and allows hackers to monitor the activity of device owners.</nowiki> <nowiki>It provides access to your webcam, messengers, emails, call records, etc. It works well on Android, iOS, and Windows.</nowiki> <nowiki>I guess, you already figured out where I'm getting at.</nowiki> <nowiki></nowiki> <nowiki>It's been a few months since I installed it on all your devices because you were not quite choosy about what links to click on the internet.</nowiki> <nowiki>During this period, I've learned about all aspects of your private life, but one is of special significance to me.</nowiki> <nowiki>I've recorded many videos of you jerking off to highly controversial porn videos.</nowiki> <nowiki>Given that the "questionable" genre is almost always the same, I can conclude that you have sick perversion.</nowiki> <nowiki></nowiki> <nowiki>I doubt you'd want your friends, family and co-workers to know about it. However, I can do it in a few clicks.</nowiki> <nowiki>Every number in your contact book will suddenly receive these videos - on WhatsApp, on Telegram, on Skype, on email - everywhere.</nowiki> <nowiki>It is going to be a tsunami that will sweep away everything in its path, and first of all, your former life.</nowiki> <nowiki>Don't think of yourself as an innocent victim. No one knows where your perversion might lead in the future, so consider this a kind of deserved punishment to stop you.</nowiki> <nowiki></nowiki> <nowiki>Better late than never.</nowiki> <nowiki>I'm some kind of God who sees everything.</nowiki> <nowiki>However, don't panic. As we know, God is merciful and forgiving, and so do I.</nowiki> <nowiki>But my mercy is not free.</nowiki> <nowiki></nowiki> <nowiki>Transfer $1320 USD to my bitcoin wallet: 1Abx3eY5pHFE1aC4AJLdU91qhHS5rzqP4E</nowiki> <nowiki></nowiki> <nowiki>Once I receive confirmation of the transaction, I will permanently delete all videos compromising you,</nowiki> <nowiki>uninstall Pegasus from all of your devices, and disappear from your life. You can be sure - my benefit is only money.</nowiki> <nowiki>Otherwise, I wouldn't be writing to you, but destroy your life without a word in a second.</nowiki> <nowiki></nowiki> <nowiki>I'll be notified when you open my email, and from that moment you have exactly 48 hours to send the money.</nowiki> <nowiki>If cryptocurrencies are unchartered waters for you, don't worry, it's very simple.</nowiki> <nowiki>Just google "crypto exchange" and then it will be no harder than buying some useless stuff on Amazon.</nowiki> <nowiki></nowiki> <nowiki>I strongly warn you against the following:</nowiki> <nowiki>) Do not reply to this email. I sent it from a temp email so I am untraceable.</nowiki> <nowiki>) Do not contact the police. I have access to all your devices, and as soon as I find out you ran to the cops, videos will be published.</nowiki> <nowiki>) Don't try to reset or destroy your devices.</nowiki> <nowiki></nowiki> <nowiki>As I mentioned above: I'm monitoring all your activity, so you either agree to my terms or the videos are published.</nowiki> <nowiki></nowiki> <nowiki>Also, don't forget that cryptocurrencies are anonymous, so it's impossible to identify me using the provided address.</nowiki> <nowiki>Good luck, my perverted friend. I hope this is the last time we hear from each other.</nowiki> <nowiki></nowiki> <nowiki>And some friendly advice: from now on, don't be so careless about your online security.</nowiki> <nowiki></nowiki>