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Unix Password Manager

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pass is a simple console command based on scripts.  There are many available user interfaces for pass, or it can be used from the shell with the pass command.  There are extensions available for web browsers that allow automatically filled login forms with the stored credentials.The pass Unix Password Manager is a tool using GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) encryption so you can store passwords and various credentials securely.  The pass tool is extendable adding more functionality through other open source extensions. Passwords are added to the store using the pass insert command. This accepts the name of the service as an argument and interactively prompts you to enter the password. pass insert websiteorwhateverIf you are saving the password for a website, you can replace websiteorwhatever with the name of the website such as The password will be saved to a new encrypted file inside your store. You can create a credential hierarchy by using forward slashes in your service names.Use the pass edit command to open a password file in a text editor such as vi.  Additional lines of metadata will be below the first line as the first line should be for the password.  See options for adding metadata with the command using -m (multiline).You will need gpg key generated, public and private.  You can generate or import with gnupg2. To import here is an example:You will need gpg key generated, public and private.    gpg2 --import private.key gpg2 --edit-key nicolep== issues ==When copying the password to the clipboard with -c parameter, the clipboard should be cleared of the password after 45 seconds.  It is noted on some distributions the password does not get cleared from the clipboard.gpg2 key import format may be incorrect.  looking at revision of proper initialization technique.  reference documentation man passIf pass is not installed you can get it from apt repository for debain/ubuntu (also in yum for redhat distros) apt install passif you have generated keys with gpg you can check if exists gpg --list-keys gpg --list-secret-keysThe default location of gpg keyring is usually in a format like this path (although could be anywhere): /home/nicolep/.gnupg/pubring.kbxDon't have a gpg key? gpg --gen-key gpg --export -a nicolep > public.key gpg --export-secret-key -a "nicolep" > private.key gpg --import public.key gpg --allow-secret-key-import --import private.key Add gpg key to gpg2 import process.  You can generate or import with gnupg2. To import here is an example: gpg2 --import private.key gpg2 --edit-key nicolep