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File I/O in Perl

2,008 bytes added, 17:49, 24 November 2010
Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/Atekysepiko|Atekysepiko]] ([[User_talk:Atekysepiko|Talk]]); changed back to last version by [[User:Admin|Admin]]
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The above file will be opened for "read" since no i/o type was specified.  There are three ways to open a file. This is specified with a symbol before the filename.  If no symbol is specified, "read" is assumed.The above file will be opened for "read" since no i/o type was specified.  There are three ways to open a file. This is specified with a symbol before the filename.  If no symbol is specified, "read" is assumed.<big># read <            (open an existing file for read)   ex: open BOBSFILE, "<information.txt";# '''read''' <            (''open an existing file for read'')   ex: open BOBSFILE, "<information.txt";# write >            (create a new file to write)   ex: open NEWSTORY, ">story.txt";# '''write''' >            (''create a new file to write'')   ex: open NEWSTORY, ">story.txt";# append >>            (add more to an existing file)   ex: open(LOG, ">>activity.log");# '''append''' >>            (''add more to an existing file'')   ex: open(LOG, ">>activity.log");</big>  open BOBSFILE, "<information.txt"; open NEWSTORY, ">story.txt"; open(LOG, ">>activity.log"); If you open another file using the same FILEHANDLE, Perl will automatically close the previous file and let you use the FILEHANDLE for the new file. To manually close a FILEHANDLE:  close FILEHANDLE; Be prepared to deal with uncooperative files.  open(FILEHANDLE, ">bobsinfo.dat") or die("Error"); Web development example.  open (FILE,"$guestbk") || die "Can't Open $guestbk: $!\n"; &nbsp; == Open a file to READ == To open a file and read only the first line:  $strVariable = <BOBSFILE>; # remove CR LF $strVariable = chomp($strVariable = );   Read and print all lines as well as number them.  open (FILE,"$guestbk") || die "Can't Open $guestbk: $!\n"; $lnum = 1; while( $line = <FILE> ){  chomp($line);  print "$lnum: $line\n";  $lnum++; } close FILE; Read all lines into an array.  @eachline = <FILE>; chomp(@eachline); print "@eachline"; &nbsp; == Open a file to WRITE == Writing to a file overwrites what was in the file previously and writes the new information over it.  <nowiki>open (GUEST,">$guestbk") || die "Can't Open $guestbookreal: $!\n";</nowiki> <nowiki>print GUEST "<H1>New Guestbook Entry</H1>\n";</nowiki> <nowiki>print GUEST "$FORM{'realname'}</a></b>";</nowiki> <nowiki>print GUEST "<b>Time:&nbsp;</b>$date<br>\n";</nowiki> <nowiki>print GUEST "<b>Comments:&nbsp;</b>$txtComments<br>\n";</nowiki> close (GUEST); Read from one file and write its contents into another file.  my $infile = 'bobsbills.txt'; my $outfile = 'bobsexpenses.txt'; open IN, "< $infile" or die "Can't open $infile : $!"; open OUT, "> $outfile" or die "Can't open $outfile : $!"; print OUT <IN>; close IN; close OUT; == Other Methods of File Access == Here's a quick way to write to a file without using a filehandle. print `echo "Write this line" > filename.txt"`; Read without filehandle  $strLines = `cat filename.txt`;