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Windows Genuine Advantage

3,105 bytes added, 21:15, 10 January 2009
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
=== HowTo Download Popular Microsoft Software from Microsoft and Skip the WGA Check ===* [" Windows XP SP2 Edition]* [" Windows Server 2003 32-bit Edition]* [" Windows XP & Windows Server 2003 x64 (64-bit) Edition]* [" Windows Server 2003 ia64 Edition]* [" Windows Media Player 11 Final x86 - Full Download without WGA check]* [" Windows Media Player 11 Final x64 64-bit for Windows XP]* [" Internet Explorer 7 RC1 (Windows XP SP2)]* [" Windows Defender Final v1593 (x86)]* [" Windows Defender Final v1593 (x64)]* [" Windows Defender FINAL RTM Build 1592 (32-bit)]* [" Windows Defender Final Build 1592 (x64)]* [" Windows Defender (Beta 2)]* [" DirectX 9.0c End-User Runtime]* [" Windows Media Player 10]* [" Windows Media Player 11 Beta 2]* [" DirectX End-User Runtime (Oct 2006)]* [" Windows Installer 3.1 Redistributable]* [" Windows XP DVD Video Decoder Checkup Utility]* [" SyncToy v1.2]* [" Codec Installation Package for Windows Media Player 7.1 or later]