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Using TrueType Core Fonts for the Web

102 bytes added, 16:42, 31 May 2014
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
html usage: <font face="andale mono">html usage: <nowiki><font face="andale mono"></nowiki>html usage: <font face="webdings">html usage: <nowiki><font face="webdings"></nowiki>html usage: <font face="trebuchet">html usage: <nowiki><font face="trebuchet"></nowiki>html usage: <font face="georgia">html usage: <nowiki><font face="georgia"></nowiki>html usage: <font face="verdana">html usage: <nowiki><font face="verdana"></nowiki>html usage: <font face="comic sans ms">html usage: <nowiki><font face="comic sans ms"></nowiki>