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Wireless Bridge

850 bytes added, 03:51, 9 October 2010
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WDS may also be referred to as repeater mode because it appears to bridge and accept wireless clients at the same time (unlike traditional bridging). However, with this method, throughput is halved for all clients connected wireless.To, TECHNICALLY, WDS describes a situation where as an AP may be connected to another AP to form the wireless bridge, while that AP is also connecting to other wireless clients.  This hybrid WDS scenario is not a true bridge in the purest sense since.  Yet, again the use of the terminology is so often abused once finds himself looking for WDS bridges even though he is only interested in a true Ap to AP bridge with no additional client accessibility.Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) does not handle WDS. The reason is that WDS uses MAC addresses to communicate, and WPA is designed to encrypt the MAC addresses.