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&nbsp;== "The Linux 65535 cylinder limit" ==:Date: Tuesday, June 20 2000 - 08:33PM PDT  * <big>'''THE QUESTION'''</big>I have a 40GB ide drive.  Linux does not see the entire thing.  As BIOS geometry is irrelevant (I always use 1024x16x63) this is a linux limitation. (see ref URL: ) The Large Disk FAQ tells of a patch to fix this problem, but they offer no information on where to find the patch or what it is even called.  I have installed the new drive as SLAVE on the first IDE so LILO issues are also irrevelant.  (This is not the bootable drive) My distribution is Redhat 5.2.  My kernel is 2.0.36 and the drive is a Maxtor 40 GB IDE Ultra ATA/66.  fdisk and cfdisk only see 540 or 8 GB. Please help me to locate this patch or advise me what I need to do to allow my linux machine to see all 40GB.   additional note: the BIOS on most MB's wont autodetect or allow settings for anything over 34 such as the case with my MB.  This is without question a linux issue. * <big>'''RESPONSES:'''</big>*From: Robson Date: Wednesday, June 21 2000 - 02:29AM PDT    If you want to use 2.0 kernel, you should upgrade to 2.0.38 ang download patch from Older version of this HOWTO points at: * *My favoirite mirror (two floors above ;-) is: * You may also upgrade your kernel to 2.2.14. It involves upgrading of some RedHat packages, but it worked on my PC. I found this information at: *;&nbsp;