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Windows XP Tips & Tricks

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== Changing Thumbnail Size in Explorer ==In the XP file explorer you can elect to view thumbnail representations of images of common graphic types as opposed to icons.  The default size can be changed with a simple registry edit.regeditnavigate to the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ExplorerCreate a new DWORD value ThumbnailSizeSmallest:*Hex – 20*Decimal – 32Windows Default:*Hex – 64*Decimal – 100Largest:*Hex – 100*Decimal – 256== File Name Not Visible in Thumbnail View =={{:File Name Not Visible in Thumbnail View}}== Control Panel Applet commands =={{:Windows Control Panel Applet Commands}} == Windows System Information Tools =={{:Windows System Information Tools}}== Keep Getting Windows XP Security Updates Until 2019 ==Microsoft stopped security updates for Windows XP.  Windows XP launched on August 24, 2001 and on April 8, 2014 Microsoft officially ended support of the operating system.  There shall be no more security updates or technical support for the Windows XP operating system, according to Microsoft.  However, a hack makes it possible for users to continue getting security updates.  The hack fools Microsoft into thinking the system is running Windows Embedded POSReady 2009, a variant of XP that's used by ATMs and cash registers. A registry entry needs to be added to accomplish this.  Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\WPA\PosReady] "Installed"=dword:00000001Add to a text file with the file extension .reg then click to add to the Windows registry.  == Determine Windows version on a system that wont boot ==If you are working on a computer with Microsoft Windows, and it won't boot, but you can access the harddrive data by booting to another operating system, and you need to determine the exact version of Windows by examining the drive contents, there are a few things to look for to help you pin it down.Look in the ../Windows/System32 folder for a file called "ntoskrnl.exe". If this file exists, it is at least an NT based system. Now do a properties and examine the details for a product version.*4.x: NT 4.x*5.0: Windows 2000*5.1: Windows XP*5.2: Windows 2003 Server or Windows XP-64-bit*6.0: Windows Vista*6.1: Windows 7*6.2; Windows 8*6.3: Windows 8.1This does not tell you which license type (Pro, Home, etc).  To determine that For that look for "%windir%\system32\prodspec.ini"* c:\windows\system32\prodspec.iniYou can try looking for license.rtf which is not present all to often* c:\Windows\System32\license.rtf== Windows XP Repair Feature ==The system repair function is used to fix and existing Windows XP installation without a complete reinstallation.  Key components of Windows are replaced by the originals from the XP Installation CD.  This function will remove any updates you have previously installed that are not included on the CD. Drivers will also be reverted to their original XP versions, as well as some settings.  * Different from System Restore, and not a Reinstall.* Personal Data, installed programs and settings are preserved.Unplug the Internet connection or turn off WiFi.Boot from Windows XP CD. Insert the Windows XP CD into CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, and restart. When the "Press any key to boot from CD" message appears on the screen, press a key to start from Windows XP CD. When completed loading files, on the Windows Setup screen choose "To set up Windows XP now, press ENTER". DO NOT select Recovery Console.  Press F8 to accept the license agreement by signing your life and first born child to Microsoft.Windows Setup will find the existing Windows XP installation. Here you need to choose "repair an existing XP installation."XP will appear to be installing itself for the first time, but it will retain all data and settings. Follow prompts, and have the CD license KEY for Windows XP ready if needed.You will need to remain offline until base security patches are installed from removable media.  Connecting to the Internet on an unpatched Windows XP can result in infection from a worm.== Hide the "Windows XP 30 days left for activation" Message =={{:Windows XP 30 days left for activation}}