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1,054 bytes added, 20:26, 27 May 2012
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=== soft disable ====== Policy Edit ====== Hard Disable Using Registry Editor ===The registry keys editor before dealt with Windows Policy a security feature of windows.  Now will show the direct disable in the registry keys controlling the io specifically.Windows 2000/XP#Run the Registry Editor regedit and type that program name into the box after choosing "Run" from the Start menu.#Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Cdrom. #Double-click the Autorun value, and type 0 for its value. (If it's not there, create it by selecting Edit -> New -> DWORD Value, and typing "Autorun" for its name.) #Log out and then log back in for this change to take effect. SIDE EFFECT - With this solution, Windows will no longer be notified when you insert a new CD. To make sure the correct icon and title for the current CD are displayed in My Computer and Explorer, press F5 to refresh the window. * Computer Hope [Enabling or disabling Windows AutoPlay]* Computer Hope [ Enabling or disabling Windows AutoPlay]* Computer Helper [ How to Turn Off AutoRun, Auto insert, and AutoPlay]