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People face civil liability if caught exchanging copyright protected material, such as a motion picture.  There seems to be nearly no criminal prosecution for this activity.  Individuals caught tend to be sued and settle for fines between $500 and $5000 according to sources (2012).  Although there is risk when downloading, there seems to be more risk when uploading, as in sharing.   To avoid getting caught it is not necessarily just a matter of avoiding participation in the exchange of copyright material, it is also a matter of avoiding specific services and technologies.  Individuals sharing material in the public domain, such as a motion picture to which no copyright restricts, still seem to draw the attention of those seeking to track down infringements.   Key Point #1:  There is some degree of risk when using peer to peer even if it is legitimate use.  This is due to some lack of technical knowledge and a level of corruption, and over regulation in many countries. Key Point #2:  Mitigate risk by not participating in the acquisition or distribution of copyright protected material, other than for legitimate purposes.  iTunes, with a paid account is an example of a legitimate acquisition. People face civil liability if caught exchanging copyright protected material, such as a motion picture.  There seems to be nearly no criminal prosecution for this activity, for the individual, with the exception of those hosting quantity or deriving revenue by hosting for facilitating the activity.  Individuals caught tend to be sued and settle for fines between $500 and $5000 according to sources (2012).  Although there is risk when downloading, there seems to be more risk when uploading, as in sharing.    Key Point #3:  Criminal prosecution has so far been reserved for those profiting by operating a business with revenue based primarily by facilitating the unauthorized exchange of copyright material.  Individual non-commercial users face law suites with monetary penalty, as opposed to incarceration.     Key Point #4:  For those still willing to take the risks involved with participation in file sharing, legitimate or otherwise, there are considerations, such as understanding which services and technologies are more intensely monitored, and what can be done to obscure an individuals online activity.   This information is for research purposes only.   == file sharing services and technologies risk analysis ==