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PDF: The Portable Document Format

539 bytes added, 03:49, 31 December 2014
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=== Windows Print Driver: PDF to TIFF ===[[The Virtual Image Printer driver by tariel]] will allow you to convert a PDF to multiple page image files in several image formats.  This is not all The Virtual Image Printer and it is not exclusively for converting PDF to images.  However, it is very handy for performing this task under the Windows XP operating system.=== Convert PDF to Images in Windows ======= Windows Print Driver: PDF to TIFF ====[[The Virtual Image Printer driver by tariel]] will allow you to convert a PDF to multiple page image files in several image formats.  This is not all The Virtual Image Printer and it is not exclusively for converting PDF to images.  However, it is very handy for performing this task under the Windows XP operating system.==== GhostScript ====The installer "gs915w32.exe" is the Win32 installer as of Dec 2014 for Microsoft Windows 32-bit Operating Systems such as Windows XP.  Using GhostScript a PDF can be converted to PNG for example.  gswin32c.exe -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pnggray -sOutputFile="test.png" "test.pdf"GhostScript requires a proper PDF.  Some PDF files are broken, in that they will open in some viewers, but are not completely compliant with the standard.  In short, GhostScript is picky.