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== Device Support ==If a phone or other communications device is said to be WAP-capable, this means that it has a piece of software loaded onto it (known as a microbrowser) that understands how to render web documents formatted in the WML language.== WML Keepers ==== WML vs HTML ==If you are familiar with writing HTML and have worked with XML, you should have no trouble grasping WML as language to develop web sites in.  Pages written in WML have a very precise format and are case sensitive.  A WML document must correspond to a valid Document Type Definition (DTD).* WML is case sensitive. Elements and attributes are lowercase.* Tags must have closing tags.* Tags must be properly nested.* Attribute values must be enclosed in either single or double quotes.Example deceleration: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?> <!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN"    "">Not all web servers can run WML out of the box.  For WML content to be run, a web host must make some changes to the configuration of their web server.  The Apache web server can run WML.  A web site has HTML pages, while a WAP site has WML cards.  The WML card is what you see on the screen of your mobile device.  <card id="index" title="Hello World!" newcontext="true">