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LCD Computer Monitor vs LCD HDTV

948 bytes added, 17:22, 21 November 2014
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You can use practically any modern LCD TV, including what is called an LED TV, as a monitor for your computer.  An LED TV is simply an LCD TV that uses diodes for the back light.  Most LCD televisions in addition to having one or more HDMI connectors also have an analog VGA PC video connector.  Some additionally include the bonus of a DVI connector for a PC with a modern video adapter.You can use practically any modern LCD TV, including what is called an LED TV, as a monitor for your computer.  An LED TV is simply an LCD TV that uses diodes for the back light.  Most LCD televisions in addition to having one or more HDMI connectors also have an analog VGA PC video connector.  Some additionally include the bonus of a DVI connector for a PC with a modern video adapter.  An HDTV with the optional DVI connector is a good choice to use for a personal computer display. Productivity workstations are best coupled with an LCD display manufactured specifically for use with a computer.  Yet people often consider using an LCD TV as a display for their home computer for a number or reasons.  Sometimes televisions are less expensive.  Gamers like the idea of having a larger display for computer gaming.  Others don't want to mess with an HDTV tuner of they want to occasionally watch television on their computer display.  These are all valid reasons for the consideration of using a television as a computer display.  It isn't even a new concept.  Long ago in the 1970's people were using their color CRT television sets for connecting to those early kit computers as a display.  And modern video game consoles such as the PS3 and Xbox 360 are high end personal computers designed specifically for graphics and gaming.