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Windows XP Tips & Tricks

838 bytes added, 22:20, 23 December 2014
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== Keep getting security updates until 2019 ==Microsoft stopped security updates for Windows XP.  Windows XP launched on August 24, 2001 and on April 8, 2014 Microsoft officially ended support of the operating system.  There shall be no more security updates or technical support for the Windows XP operating system, according to Microsoft.  However, a hack makes it possible for users to continue getting security updates.  The hack fools Microsoft into thinking the system is running Windows Embedded POSReady 2009, a variant of XP that's used by ATMs and cash registers. A registry entry needs to be added to accomplish this.  Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\WPA\PosReady] "Installed"=dword:00000001Add to a text file with the file extension .reg then click to add to the Windows registry.