Talk:Brute Force Dictionary Attack on Dovecot

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installation runlevels of fail2ban and iptables testing

Installation runlevels

 chkconfig fail2ban on  - makes fail2ban start with the sytem runlevels in rc.d/rc3.d at startup
 chkconfig fail2ban off - disables fail2ban from starting automatically at system startup
 chkconfig --level 23 fail2ban on - you can specify the runlevel to set the order it loads in relation to the other services
 chkconfig fail2ban on && service fail2ban start - set it to start at boot and get it started immediately

Restart IPtables, Fail2ban and check the status of the Fail2ban install:

 service iptables restart && service iptables status

Remove a ban from the Fail2ban SSH chain (change IP address):

 su -c "iptables -D fail2ban-SSH -s -j DROP"

WARNING 'ignoreregex' not defined in 'Definition'. Using default one:

On service start

 service fail2ban start

There is the following error:

 WARNING 'ignoreregex' not defined in 'Definition'. Using default one: 

This can be corrected by adding the following line:

 ignoreregex =

To all active filter files in filter.d, such as

 vi filter.d/postfix-sasl.conf



WARNING 'actioncheck' not defined in 'Definition'. Using default one:

On service start

 service fail2ban start

There is the following error:

 WARNING 'actioncheck' not defined in 'Definition'. Using default one: 

This can be corrected by adding the following line:

 actioncheck =

To all active action files in action.d, such as

 vi action.d/iptables-multiport-tcp.conf

source: trial and error