Talk:Multimedia Key Mapping in Mythbuntu using xmodmap

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Middle Mouse Button

Here is how to convert the PrintScreen key into a middle mouse button:

xmodmap -e 'keysym Print = Pointer_Button2'
xkbset m
xkbset exp =m

You need the xkbset program to change a keypress event into a buttonpress event. xkbset can be downloaded from: ( or xkbset-0.5.tar.gz, local copy)

xmodmap can be used to make a key on the keyboard behave as a mouse click. it cannot make a mouse click behave as a key being pressed. For that a program called xbindkeys is needed.

List of Keysyms Recognised by Xmodmap

Symbol name               Numeric Value         Visual Representation / Explanation
-----------               -------------         -----------------------------------
VoidSymbol                0xFFFFFF              Does nothing
BackSpace                 0xFF08                Erase the previous character, unlike loadkeys, Delete does not do the same thing
Tab                       0xFF09                
Linefeed                  0xFF0A                Linefeed, LF
Clear                     0xFF0B                
Return                    0xFF0D                Return, enter
Pause                     0xFF13                Pause, hold
Scroll_Lock               0xFF14                
Sys_Req                   0xFF15                
Escape                    0xFF1B                
Delete                    0xFFFF                Erase the character under the cursor. This is the same as Rubout in loadkeys.
Multi_key                 0xFF20                Allows odd characters to be entered, in the same way as Compose in loadkeys
Codeinput                 0xFF37                Kanji_Bangou is a synonym
SingleCandidate           0xFF3C                
MultipleCandidate         0xFF3D                Zen_Koho is a synonym
PreviousCandidate         0xFF3E                Mae_Koho is a synonym
Kanji                     0xFF21                Kanji, Kanji convert
Muhenkan                  0xFF22                Cancel Conversion
Henkan_Mode               0xFF23                Start/Stop Conversion; Henkan is a synonym
Romaji                    0xFF24                to Romaji
Hiragana                  0xFF25                to Hiragana
Katakana                  0xFF26                to Katakana
Hiragana_Katakana         0xFF27                Hiragana/Katakana toggle
Zenkaku                   0xFF28                to Zenkaku
Hankaku                   0xFF29                to Hankaku
Zenkaku_Hankaku           0xFF2A                Zenkaku/Hankaku toggle
Touroku                   0xFF2B                Add to Dictionary
Massyo                    0xFF2C                Delete from Dictionary
Kana_Lock                 0xFF2D                Kana Lock
Kana_Shift                0xFF2E                Kana Shift
Eisu_Shift                0xFF2F                Alphanumeric Shift
Eisu_toggle               0xFF30                Alphanumeric toggle
Home                      0xFF50                
Left                      0xFF51                Move left, left arrow
Up                        0xFF52                Move up, up arrow
Right                     0xFF53                Move right, right arrow
Down                      0xFF54                Move down, down arrow
Prior                     0xFF55                Prior, previous; Page_Up is a synonym
Next                      0xFF56                Next; Page_Down is a synonym
End                       0xFF57                EOL
Begin                     0xFF58                BOL
Select                    0xFF60                Select, mark
Print                     0xFF61                
Execute                   0xFF62                Execute, run, do
Insert                    0xFF63                Insert, insert here
Undo                      0xFF65                Undo, oops
Redo                      0xFF66                redo, again
Menu                      0xFF67                
Find                      0xFF68                Find, search
Cancel                    0xFF69                Cancel, stop, abort, exit
Help                      0xFF6A                Help
Break                     0xFF6B                
Mode_switch               0xFF7E                Shiftlevel two, giving access to the third and fourth columns of keysyms; script-, Greek-, Arabic-, kana-, Hangul- and Hebrew- _switch are synonyms
Num_Lock                  0xFF7F                
KP_Space                  0xFF80                space
KP_Tab                    0xFF89                
KP_Enter                  0xFF8D                enter
KP_F1                     0xFF91                PF1, KP_A, ...
KP_F2                     0xFF92                
KP_F3                     0xFF93                
KP_F4                     0xFF94                
KP_Home                   0xFF95                
KP_Left                   0xFF96                
KP_Up                     0xFF97                
KP_Right                  0xFF98                
KP_Down                   0xFF99                
KP_Prior                  0xFF9A                KP_Page_Up is a synonym
KP_Next                   0xFF9B                KP_Page_Down is a synonym
KP_End                    0xFF9C                
KP_Begin                  0xFF9D                
KP_Insert                 0xFF9E                
KP_Delete                 0xFF9F                
KP_Equal                  0xFFBD                equals
KP_Multiply               0xFFAA                
KP_Add                    0xFFAB                
KP_Separator              0xFFAC                separator, often comma
KP_Subtract               0xFFAD                
KP_Decimal                0xFFAE                
KP_Divide                 0xFFAF                
KP_0 through 9            0xFFB0 through 0xFFB9                
F1 through 35             0xFFBE through 0xFFE0                F11 through 20 have synonyms L1 through 10; F21 through 35 have synonyms R1 through 15
Shift_L                   0xFFE1                Left shift
Shift_R                   0xFFE2                Right shift
Control_L                 0xFFE3                Left control
Control_R                 0xFFE4                Right control
Caps_Lock                 0xFFE5                Caps lock
Shift_Lock                0xFFE6                Shift lock
Meta_L                    0xFFE7                Left meta
Meta_R                    0xFFE8                Right meta
Alt_L                     0xFFE9                Left alt
Alt_R                     0xFFEA                Right alt
Super_L                   0xFFEB                Left super
Super_R                   0xFFEC                Right super
Hyper_L                   0xFFED                Left hyper
Hyper_R                   0xFFEE                Right hyper
dead_hook                 0xFE61                
dead_horn                 0xFE62                
3270_Duplicate            0xFD01                
3270_FieldMark            0xFD02                
3270_Right2               0xFD03                
3270_Left2                0xFD04                
3270_BackTab              0xFD05                
3270_EraseEOF             0xFD06                
3270_EraseInput           0xFD07                
3270_Reset                0xFD08                
3270_Quit                 0xFD09                
3270_PA1                  0xFD0A                
3270_PA2                  0xFD0B                
3270_PA3                  0xFD0C                
3270_Test                 0xFD0D                
3270_Attn                 0xFD0E                
3270_CursorBlink          0xFD0F                
3270_AltCursor            0xFD10                
3270_KeyClick             0xFD11                
3270_Jump                 0xFD12                
3270_Ident                0xFD13                
3270_Rule                 0xFD14                
3270_Copy                 0xFD15                
3270_Play                 0xFD16                
3270_Setup                0xFD17                
3270_Record               0xFD18                
3270_ChangeScreen         0xFD19                
3270_DeleteWord           0xFD1A                
3270_ExSelect             0xFD1B                
3270_CursorSelect         0xFD1C                
3270_PrintScreen          0xFD1D                
3270_Enter                0xFD1E                
space                     0x020                
exclam                    0x021                !
quotedbl                  0x022                "
numbersign                0x023                #
dollar                    0x024                $
percent                   0x025                %
ampersand                 0x026                &
apostrophe                0x027                '; quoteright is a deprecated synonym
parenleft                 0x028                (
parenright                0x029                )
asterisk                  0x02a                *
plus                      0x02b                +
comma                     0x02c                ,
minus                     0x02d                -
period                    0x02e                .
slash                     0x02f                /
0 through 9               0x030 through 0x039                
colon                     0x03a                :
semicolon                 0x03b                ;
less                      0x03c                <
equal                     0x03d                =
greater                   0x03e                >
question                  0x03f                ?
at                        0x040                @
A through Z               0x041 through 0x05a                
bracketleft               0x05b                [
backslash                 0x05c                \
bracketright              0x05d                ]
asciicircum               0x05e                ^
underscore                0x05f                _
grave                     0x060                `; quoteleft is a deprecated synonym
a through z               0x061 through 0x07a                
braceleft                 0x07b                {
bar                       0x07c                |
braceright                0x07d                }
asciitilde                0x07e                ~
nobreakspace              0x0a0                
exclamdown                0x0a1                ¡
cent                      0x0a2                ¢
sterling                  0x0a3                £
currency                  0x0a4                ¤
yen                       0x0a5                ¥
brokenbar                 0x0a6                ¦
section                   0x0a7                §
diaeresis                 0x0a8                ¨
copyright                 0x0a9                ©
ordfeminine               0x0aa                ª
guillemotleft             0x0ab                «
notsign                   0x0ac                ¬
hyphen                    0x0ad                
registered                0x0ae                ®
macron                    0x0af                ¯
degree                    0x0b0                °
plusminus                 0x0b1                ±
twosuperior                0x0b2                ²
threesuperior                0x0b3                ³
acute                0x0b4                ´
mu                0x0b5                µ
paragraph                0x0b6                ¶
periodcentered                0x0b7                ·
cedilla                0x0b8                ¸
onesuperior                0x0b9                ¹
masculine                0x0ba                º
guillemotright                0x0bb                »
onequarter                0x0bc                ¼
onehalf                0x0bd                ½
threequarters                0x0be                ¾
questiondown                0x0bf                ¿
Agrave                0x0c0                ÀAacute                0x0c1                ÁAcircumflex                0x0c2                ÂAtilde                0x0c3                ÃAdiaeresis                0x0c4                Ã
                                                                                                              Aring                0x0c5                Ã
AE                0x0c6                ÆCcedilla                0x0c7                ÇEgrave                0x0c8                ÃEacute                0x0c9                ÉEcircumflex                0x0ca                ÊEdiaerIcircumflex                0x0ce                ÃIdiaeresis                0x0cf                ÃETH                0x0d0                Ð Eth is a deprecated synonym
Ntilde                0x0d1                ÑOgrave                0x0d2                ÒOacute                0x0d3                ÓOcircumflex                0x0d4                ÔOtilde                0x0d5                ÕOdiaeresis                0x0d6                Ömultiply                0x0d7                ×Ooblique                0x0d8                Ø Oslash is a synonym
Ugrave                0x0d9                ÙUacute                0x0da                ÚUcircumflex                0x0db                Ãdiaeresis                0x0dc                ÃYacute                0x0dd                ÝTHORN                0x0de                Þ Thorn is a deprecated synonym
ssharp                0x0df                ßagrave                0x0e0                àacute                0x0e1                ácircumflex                0x0e2                âtilde                0x0e3                ãdiaeresis                0x0e4                äring                0x0e5                åe                0x0e6                æcedilla                0x0e7                çgrave                0x0e8                èacute                0x0e9                écircumflex                0x0ea                êdiaeresis                0x0eb                ëgrave                0x0ec                ìacute                0x0ed                ícircumflex                0x0ee                îdiaeresis                0x0ef                ïth                0x0f0                ðilde                0x0f1                ñrave                0x0f2                òcute                0x0f3                óircumflex                0x0f4                ôilde                0x0f5                õiaeresis                0x0f6                övision                0x0f7                ÷lash                0x0f8                øblique is a synonym
ugrave                0x0f9                ùute                0x0fa                úrcumflex                0x0fb                ûaeresis                0x0fc                üte                0x0fd                ýn                0x0fe                þ
ydiaeresis                0x0ff                ÿ
Aogonek                0x1a1                
breve                0x1a2                
Lstroke                0x1a3                
Lcaron                0x1a5                
Sacute                0x1a6                S
Scaron                0x1a9                
Scedilla                0x1aa                S
Tcaron                0x1ab                
Zacute                0x1ac                Z
Zcaron                0x1ae                
Zabovedot                0x1af                
aogonek                0x1b1                
ogonek                0x1b2                
lstroke                0x1b3                
lcaron                0x1b5                
sacute                0x1b6                s
caron                0x1b7                
scaron                0x1b9                
scedilla                0x1ba                s
tcaron                0x1bb                
zacute                0x1bc                z
doubleacute                0x1bd                
zcaron                0x1be                
zabovedot                0x1bf                
Racute                0x1c0                R
Abreve                0x1c3                
Lacute                0x1c5                L
Cacute                0x1c6                C
Ccaron                0x1c8                
Eogonek                0x1ca                
Ecaron                0x1cc                
Dcaron                0x1cf                
Dstroke                0x1d0                
Nacute                0x1d1                N
Ncaron                0x1d2                
Odoubleacute                0x1d5                
Rcaron                0x1d8                
Uring                0x1d9                
Udoubleacute                0x1db                
Tcedilla                0x1de                
racute                0x1e0                r
abreve                0x1e3                
lacute                0x1e5                l
cacute                0x1e6                c
ccaron                0x1e8                
eogonek                0x1ea                
ecaron                0x1ec                
dcaron                0x1ef                
dstroke                0x1f0                
nacute                0x1f1                n
ncaron                0x1f2                
odoubleacute                0x1f5                
udoubleacute                0x1fb                
rcaron                0x1f8                
uring                0x1f9                
tcedilla                0x1fe                
abovedot                0x1ff                
Hstroke                0x2a1                
Hcircumflex                0x2a6                
Iabovedot                0x2a9                
Gbreve                0x2ab                
Jcircumflex                0x2ac                
hstroke                0x2b1                
hcircumflex                0x2b6                
idotless                0x2b9                
gbreve                0x2bb                
jcircumflex                0x2bc                
Cabovedot                0x2c5                
Ccircumflex                0x2c6                
Gabovedot                0x2d5                
Gcircumflex                0x2d8                
Ubreve                0x2dd                
Scircumflex                0x2de                
cabovedot                0x2e5                
ccircumflex                0x2e6                
gabovedot                0x2f5                
gcircumflex                0x2f8                
ubreve                0x2fd                
scircumflex                0x2fe                
kra                0x3a2                kappa is a deprecated synonym
Rcedilla                0x3a3                R
Itilde                0x3a5                I
Lcedilla                0x3a6                L
Emacron                0x3aa                
Gcedilla                0x3ab                G
Tslash                0x3ac                
rcedilla                0x3b3                r
itilde                0x3b5                i
lcedilla                0x3b6                l
emacron                0x3ba                
gcedilla                0x3bb                
tslash                0x3bc                
ENG                0x3bd                
eng                0x3bf                
Amacron                0x3c0                
Iogonek                0x3c7                
Eabovedot                0x3cc                
Imacron                0x3cf                
Ncedilla                0x3d1                N
Omacron                0x3d2                
Kcedilla                0x3d3                K
Uogonek                0x3d9                
Utilde                0x3dd                U
Umacron                0x3de                
amacron                0x3e0                
iogonek                0x3e7                
eabovedot                0x3ec                
imacron                0x3ef                
ncedilla                0x3f1                n
omacron                0x3f2                
kcedilla                0x3f3                k
uogonek                0x3f9                
utilde                0x3fd                u
umacron                0x3fe                
Babovedot                0x12a1                
babovedot                0x12a2                
Dabovedot                0x12a6                
Wgrave                0x12a8                
Wacute                0x12aa                
dabovedot                0x12ab                
Ygrave                0x12ac                
Fabovedot                0x12b0                
fabovedot                0x12b1                
Mabovedot                0x12b4                
mabovedot                0x12b5                
Pabovedot                0x12b7                
wgrave                0x12b8                
pabovedot                0x12b9                
wacute                0x12ba                
Sabovedot                0x12bb                
ygrave                0x12bc                
Wdiaeresis                0x12bd                
wdiaeresis                0x12be                
sabovedot                0x12bf                
Wcircumflex                0x12d0                
Tabovedot                0x12d7                
Ycircumflex                0x12de                
wcircumflex                0x12f0                
tabovedot                0x12f7                
ycircumflex                0x12fe                
OE                0x13bc                
oe                0x13bd                
Ydiaeresis                0x13be                Ÿ
overline                0x47e                
kana_fullstop                0x4a1                
kana_openingbracket                0x4a2                
kana_closingbracket                0x4a3                
kana_comma                0x4a4                
kana_conjunctive                0x4a5                kana_middledot is a deprecated synonym
kana_WO                0x4a6                
kana_a                0x4a7                
kana_i                0x4a8                
kana_u                0x4a9                
kana_e                0x4aa                
kana_o                0x4ab                
kana_ya                0x4ac                
kana_yu                0x4ad                
kana_yo                0x4ae                
kana_tsu                0x4af                kana_tu is a deprecated synonym
prolongedsound                0x4b0                
kana_A                0x4b1                
kana_I                0x4b2                
kana_U                0x4b3                
kana_E                0x4b4                
kana_O                0x4b5                
kana_KA                0x4b6                
kana_KI                0x4b7                
kana_KU                0x4b8                
kana_KE                0x4b9                
kana_KO                0x4ba                
kana_SA                0x4bb                
kana_SHI                0x4bc                
kana_SU                0x4bd                
kana_SE                0x4be                
kana_SO                0x4bf                
kana_TA                0x4c0                
kana_CHI                0x4c1                kana_TI is a deprecated synonym
kana_TSU                0x4c2                kana_TU is a deprecated synonym
kana_TE                0x4c3                
kana_TO                0x4c4                
kana_NA                0x4c5                
kana_NI                0x4c6                
kana_NU                0x4c7                
kana_NE                0x4c8                
kana_NO                0x4c9                
kana_HA                0x4ca                
kana_HI                0x4cb                
kana_FU                0x4cc                kana_HU is a deprecated synonym
kana_HE                0x4cd                
kana_HO                0x4ce                
kana_MA                0x4cf                
kana_MI                0x4d0                
kana_MU                0x4d1                
kana_ME                0x4d2                
kana_MO                0x4d3                
kana_YA                0x4d4                
kana_YU                0x4d5                
kana_YO                0x4d6                
kana_RA                0x4d7                
kana_RI                0x4d8                
kana_RU                0x4d9                
kana_RE                0x4da                
kana_RO                0x4db                
kana_WA                0x4dc                
kana_N                0x4dd                
voicedsound                0x4de                
semivoicedsound                0x4df                
Farsi_0 through 9                0x590 through 0x599                
Arabic_percent                0x5a5                
Arabic_superscript_alef                0x5a6                
Arabic_tteh                0x5a7                
Arabic_peh                0x5a8                
Arabic_tcheh                0x5a9                
Arabic_ddal                0x5aa                
Arabic_rreh                0x5ab                
Arabic_comma                0x5ac                
Arabic_fullstop                0x5ae                
Arabic_0 through 9                0x5b0 through 0x5b9                
Arabic_semicolon                0x5bb                
Arabic_question_mark                0x5bf                
Arabic_hamza                0x5c1                
Arabic_maddaonalef                0x5c2                
Arabic_hamzaonalef                0x5c3                
Arabic_hamzaonwaw                0x5c4                
Arabic_hamzaunderalef                0x5c5                
Arabic_hamzaonyeh                0x5c6                
Arabic_alef                0x5c7                
Arabic_beh                0x5c8                
Arabic_tehmarbuta                0x5c9                
Arabic_teh                0x5ca                
Arabic_theh                0x5cb                
Arabic_jeem                0x5cc                
Arabic_hah                0x5cd                
Arabic_khah                0x5ce                
Arabic_dal                0x5cf                
Arabic_thal                0x5d0                
Arabic_ra                0x5d1                
Arabic_zain                0x5d2                
Arabic_seen                0x5d3                
Arabic_sheen                0x5d4                
Arabic_sad                0x5d5                
Arabic_dad                0x5d6                
Arabic_tah                0x5d7                
Arabic_zah                0x5d8                
Arabic_ain                0x5d9                
Arabic_ghain                0x5da                
Arabic_tatweel                0x5e0                
Arabic_feh                0x5e1                
Arabic_qaf                0x5e2                
Arabic_kaf                0x5e3                
Arabic_lam                0x5e4                
Arabic_meem                0x5e5                
Arabic_noon                0x5e6                
Arabic_ha                0x5e7                Arabic_heh is a deprecated synonym
Arabic_waw                0x5e8                
Arabic_alefmaksura                0x5e9                
Arabic_yeh                0x5ea                
Arabic_fathatan                0x5eb                
Arabic_dammatan                0x5ec                
Arabic_kasratan                0x5ed                
Arabic_fatha                0x5ee                
Arabic_damma                0x5ef                
Arabic_kasra                0x5f0                
Arabic_shadda                0x5f1                
Arabic_sukun                0x5f2                
Arabic_madda_above                0x5f3                
Arabic_hamza_above                0x5f4                
Arabic_hamza_below                0x5f5                
Arabic_jeh                0x5f6                
Arabic_veh                0x5f7                
Arabic_keheh                0x5f8                
Arabic_gaf                0x5f9                
Arabic_noon_ghunna                0x5fa                
Arabic_heh_doachashmee                0x5fb                
Farsi_yeh                0x5fc                Arabic_farsi_yeh is a synonym
Arabic_yeh_baree                0x5fd                
Arabic_heh_goal                0x5fe                
Cyrillic_GHE_bar                0x680                
Cyrillic_ghe_bar                0x690                
Cyrillic_ZHE_descender                0x681                
Cyrillic_zhe_descender                0x691                
Cyrillic_KA_descender                0x682                
Cyrillic_ka_descender                0x692                
Cyrillic_KA_vertstroke                0x683                
Cyrillic_ka_vertstroke                0x693                
Cyrillic_EN_descender                0x684                
Cyrillic_en_descender                0x694                
Cyrillic_U_straight                0x685                
Cyrillic_u_straight                0x695                
Cyrillic_U_straight_bar                0x686                
Cyrillic_u_straight_bar                0x696                
Cyrillic_HA_descender                0x687                
Cyrillic_ha_descender                0x697                
Cyrillic_CHE_descender                0x688                
Cyrillic_che_descender                0x698                
Cyrillic_CHE_vertstroke                0x689                
Cyrillic_che_vertstroke                0x699                
Cyrillic_SHHA                0x68a                
Cyrillic_shha                0x69a                
Cyrillic_SCHWA                0x68c                
Cyrillic_schwa                0x69c                
Cyrillic_I_macron                0x68d                
Cyrillic_i_macron                0x69d                
Cyrillic_O_bar                0x68e                
Cyrillic_o_bar                0x69e                
Cyrillic_U_macron                0x68f                
Cyrillic_u_macron                0x69f                
Serbian_dje                0x6a1                
Macedonia_gje                0x6a2                
Cyrillic_io                0x6a3                
Ukrainian_ie                0x6a4                Ukranian_je is a deprecated synonym
Macedonia_dse                0x6a5                
Ukrainian_i                0x6a6                Ukranian_i is a deprecated synonym
Ukrainian_yi                0x6a7                Ukranian_yi is a deprecated synonym
Cyrillic_je                0x6a8                Serbian_je is a deprecated synonym
Cyrillic_lje                0x6a9                Serbian_lje is a deprecated synonym
Cyrillic_nje                0x6aa                Serbian_nje is a deprecated synonym
Serbian_tshe                0x6ab                
Macedonia_kje                0x6ac                
Ukrainian_ghe_with_upturn                0x6ad                
Byelorussian_shortu                0x6ae                
Cyrillic_dzhe                0x6af                Serbian_dze is a deprecated synonym
numerosign                0x6b0                
Serbian_DJE                0x6b1                
Macedonia_GJE                0x6b2                
Cyrillic_IO                0x6b3                
Ukrainian_IE                0x6b4                Ukranian_JE is a deprecated synonym
Macedonia_DSE                0x6b5                
Ukrainian_I                0x6b6                Ukranian_I is a deprecated synonym
Ukrainian_YI                0x6b7                Ukranian_YI is a deprecated synonym
Cyrillic_JE                0x6b8                Serbian_JE is a deprecated synonym
Cyrillic_LJE                0x6b9                Serbian_LJE is a deprecated synonym
Cyrillic_NJE                0x6ba                Serbian_NJE is a deprecated synonym
Serbian_TSHE                0x6bb                
Macedonia_KJE                0x6bc                
Ukrainian_GHE_WITH_UPTURN                0x6bd                
Byelorussian_SHORTU                0x6be                
Cyrillic_DZHE                0x6bf                Serbian_DZE is a deprecated synonym
Cyrillic_yu                0x6c0                ?
Cyrillic_a         0x6c1                ?
Cyrillic_be                0x6c2                ?
Cyrillic_tse                0x6c3                ?
Cyrillic_de                0x6c4                ?
Cyrillic_ie                0x6c5                ?
Cyrillic_ef                0x6c6                ?
Cyrillic_ghe                0x6c7                ?
Cyrillic_ha                0x6c8                ?
Cyrillic_i                0x6c9                ?
Cyrillic_shorti                0x6ca                ?
Cyrillic_ka                0x6cb                ?
Cyrillic_el                0x6cc                ?
Cyrillic_em                0x6cd                ?
Cyrillic_en                0x6ce                ?
Cyrillic_o                0x6cf                ?
Cyrillic_pe                0x6d0                ?
Cyrillic_ya                0x6d1                ?
Cyrillic_er                0x6d2                ?
Cyrillic_es                0x6d3                ?
Cyrillic_te                0x6d4                ?
Cyrillic_u                0x6d5                ?
Cyrillic_zhe                0x6d6                ?
Cyrillic_ve                0x6d7                ?
Cyrillic_softsign                0x6d8                ?
Cyrillic_yeru                0x6d9                ?
Cyrillic_ze                0x6da                ?
Cyrillic_sha                0x6db                ?
Cyrillic_e                0x6dc                ?
Cyrillic_shcha                0x6dd                ?
Cyrillic_che                0x6de                ?
Cyrillic_hardsign                0x6df                ?
Cyrillic_YU                0x6e0                ?
Cyrillic_A         0x6e1                ?
Cyrillic_BE                0x6e2                ?
Cyrillic_TSE                0x6e3                ?
Cyrillic_DE                0x6e4                ?
Cyrillic_IE                0x6e5                ?
Cyrillic_EF                0x6e6                ?
Cyrillic_GHE                0x6e7                ?
Cyrillic_HA                0x6e8                ?
Cyrillic_I                0x6e9                ?
Cyrillic_SHORTI                0x6ea                ?
Cyrillic_KA                0x6eb                ?
Cyrillic_EL                0x6ec                ?
Cyrillic_EM                0x6ed                ?
Cyrillic_EN                0x6ee                ?
Cyrillic_O                0x6ef                ?
Cyrillic_PE                0x6f0                ?
Cyrillic_YA                0x6f1                ?
Cyrillic_ER                0x6f2                ?
Cyrillic_ES                0x6f3                ?
Cyrillic_TE                0x6f4                ?
Cyrillic_U                0x6f5                ?
Cyrillic_ZHE                0x6f6                ?
Cyrillic_VE                0x6f7                ?
Cyrillic_SOFTSIGN                0x6f8                ?
Cyrillic_YERU                0x6f9                ?
Cyrillic_ZE                0x6fa                ?
Cyrillic_SHA                0x6fb                ?
Cyrillic_E                0x6fc                ?
Cyrillic_SHCHA                0x6fd                ?
Cyrillic_CHE                0x6fe                ?
Cyrillic_HARDSIGN                0x6ff                ?
Greek_ALPHAaccent                0x7a1                
Greek_EPSILONaccent                0x7a2                
Greek_ETAaccent                0x7a3                
Greek_IOTAaccent                0x7a4                
Greek_IOTAdieresis                0x7a5                Greek_IOTAdiaeresis is a synonym thanks to a typo
Greek_OMICRONaccent                0x7a7                
Greek_UPSILONaccent                0x7a8                
Greek_UPSILONdieresis                0x7a9                
Greek_OMEGAaccent                0x7ab                
Greek_accentdieresis                0x7ae                
Greek_horizbar                0x7af                
Greek_alphaaccent                0x7b1                
Greek_epsilonaccent                0x7b2                
Greek_etaaccent                0x7b3                
Greek_iotaaccent                0x7b4                
Greek_iotadieresis                0x7b5                
Greek_iotaaccentdieresis                0x7b6                
Greek_omicronaccent                0x7b7                
Greek_upsilonaccent                0x7b8                
Greek_upsilondieresis                0x7b9                
Greek_upsilonaccentdieresis                0x7ba                
Greek_omegaaccent                0x7bb                
Greek_ALPHA                0x7c1                
Greek_BETA                0x7c2                
Greek_GAMMA                0x7c3                
Greek_DELTA                0x7c4                
Greek_EPSILON                0x7c5                
Greek_ZETA                0x7c6                
Greek_ETA                0x7c7                
Greek_THETA                0x7c8                
Greek_IOTA                0x7c9                
Greek_KAPPA                0x7ca                
Greek_LAMDA                0x7cb                Greek_LAMBDA is a deprecated synonym
Greek_MU                0x7cc                
Greek_NU                0x7cd                
Greek_XI                0x7ce                
Greek_OMICRON                0x7cf                
Greek_PI                0x7d0                
Greek_RHO                0x7d1                
Greek_SIGMA                0x7d2                
Greek_TAU                0x7d4                
Greek_UPSILON                0x7d5                
Greek_PHI                0x7d6                
Greek_CHI                0x7d7                
Greek_PSI                0x7d8                
Greek_OMEGA                0x7d9                
Greek_alpha                0x7e1                
Greek_beta                0x7e2                
Greek_gamma                0x7e3                
Greek_delta                0x7e4                
Greek_epsilon                0x7e5                
Greek_zeta                0x7e6                
Greek_eta                0x7e7                
Greek_theta                0x7e8                
Greek_iota                0x7e9                
Greek_kappa                0x7ea                
Greek_lamda                0x7eb                Greek_lambda is a deprecated synonym
Greek_mu                0x7ec                
Greek_nu                0x7ed                
Greek_xi                0x7ee                
Greek_omicron                0x7ef                
Greek_pi                0x7f0                
Greek_rho                0x7f1                
Greek_sigma                0x7f2                
Greek_finalsmallsigma                0x7f3                
Greek_tau                0x7f4                
Greek_upsilon                0x7f5                
Greek_phi                0x7f6                
Greek_chi                0x7f7                
Greek_psi                0x7f8                
Greek_omega                0x7f9                
leftradical                0x8a1                
topleftradical                0x8a2                
horizconnector                0x8a3                
topintegral                0x8a4                
botintegral                0x8a5                
vertconnector                0x8a6                
topleftsqbracket                0x8a7                
botleftsqbracket                0x8a8                
toprightsqbracket                0x8a9                
botrightsqbracket                0x8aa                
topleftparens                0x8ab                
botleftparens                0x8ac                
toprightparens                0x8ad                
botrightparens                0x8ae                
leftmiddlecurlybrace                0x8af                
rightmiddlecurlybrace                0x8b0                
topleftsummation                0x8b1                
botleftsummation                0x8b2                
topvertsummationconnector                0x8b3                
botvertsummationconnector                0x8b4                
toprightsummation                0x8b5                
botrightsummation                0x8b6                
rightmiddlesummation                0x8b7                
lessthanequal                0x8bc                
notequal                0x8bd                
greaterthanequal                0x8be                
integral                0x8bf                
therefore                0x8c0                
variation                0x8c1                
infinity                0x8c2                
nabla                0x8c5                
approximate                0x8c8                
similarequal                0x8c9                
ifonlyif                0x8cd                
implies                0x8ce                
identical                0x8cf                
radical                0x8d6                
includedin                0x8da                
includes                0x8db                
intersection                0x8dc                
union                0x8dd                
logicaland                0x8de                
logicalor                0x8df                
partialderivative                0x8ef                
function                0x8f6                
leftarrow                0x8fb                
uparrow                0x8fc                
rightarrow                0x8fd                
downarrow                0x8fe                
blank                0x9df                
soliddiamond                0x9e0                
checkerboard                0x9e1                
ht                0x9e2                
ff                0x9e3                
cr                0x9e4                
lf                0x9e5                
nl                0x9e8                
vt                0x9e9                
lowrightcorner                0x9ea                
uprightcorner                0x9eb                
upleftcorner                0x9ec                
lowleftcorner                0x9ed                
crossinglines                0x9ee                
horizlinescan1                0x9ef                
horizlinescan3                0x9f0                
horizlinescan5                0x9f1                
horizlinescan7                0x9f2                
horizlinescan9                0x9f3                
leftt                0x9f4                
rightt                0x9f5                
bott                0x9f6                
topt                0x9f7                
vertbar                0x9f8                
emspace                0xaa1                
enspace                0xaa2                
em3space                0xaa3                
em4space                0xaa4                
digitspace                0xaa5                
punctspace                0xaa6                
thinspace                0xaa7                
hairspace                0xaa8                
emdash                0xaa9                
endash                0xaaa                
signifblank                0xaac                
ellipsis                0xaae                
doubbaselinedot                0xaaf                
onethird                0xab0                
twothirds                0xab1                
onefifth                0xab2                
twofifths                0xab3                
threefifths                0xab4                
fourfifths                0xab5                
onesixth                0xab6                
fivesixths                0xab7                
careof                0xab8                
figdash                0xabb                
leftanglebracket                0xabc                
decimalpoint                0xabd                
rightanglebracket                0xabe                
marker                0xabf                
oneeighth                0xac3                
threeeighths                0xac4                
fiveeighths                0xac5                
seveneighths                0xac6                
trademark                0xac9                
signaturemark                0xaca                
trademarkincircle                0xacb                
leftopentriangle                0xacc                
rightopentriangle                0xacd                
emopencircle                0xace                
emopenrectangle                0xacf                
leftsinglequotemark                0xad0                
rightsinglequotemark                0xad1                
leftdoublequotemark                0xad2                
rightdoublequotemark                0xad3                
prescription                0xad4                
minutes                0xad6                
seconds                0xad7                
latincross                0xad9                
hexagram                0xada                
filledrectbullet                0xadb                
filledlefttribullet                0xadc                
filledrighttribullet                0xadd                
emfilledcircle                0xade                
emfilledrect                0xadf                
enopencircbullet                0xae0                
enopensquarebullet                0xae1                
openrectbullet                0xae2                
opentribulletup                0xae3                
opentribulletdown                0xae4                
openstar                0xae5                
enfilledcircbullet                0xae6                
enfilledsqbullet                0xae7                
filledtribulletup                0xae8                
filledtribulletdown                0xae9                
leftpointer                0xaea                
rightpointer                0xaeb                
club                0xaec                
diamond                0xaed                
heart                0xaee                
maltesecross                0xaf0                
dagger                0xaf1                
doubledagger                0xaf2                
checkmark                0xaf3                
ballotcross                0xaf4                
musicalsharp                0xaf5                
musicalflat                0xaf6                
malesymbol                0xaf7                
femalesymbol                0xaf8                
telephone                0xaf9                
telephonerecorder                0xafa                
phonographcopyright                0xafb                
caret                0xafc                
singlelowquotemark                0xafd                
doublelowquotemark                0xafe                
cursor                0xaff                
leftcaret                0xba3                
rightcaret                0xba6                
downcaret                0xba8                
upcaret                0xba9                
overbar                0xbc0                
downtack                0xbc2                
upshoe                0xbc3                
downstile                0xbc4                
underbar                0xbc6                
jot                0xbca                
quad                0xbcc                
uptack                0xbce                
circle                0xbcf                
upstile                0xbd3                
downshoe                0xbd6                
rightshoe                0xbd8                
leftshoe                0xbda                
lefttack                0xbdc                
righttack                0xbfc                
hebrew_doublelowline                0xcdf                
hebrew_aleph                0xce0                
hebrew_bet                0xce1                hebrew_beth is a deprecated synonym
hebrew_gimel                0xce2                hebrew_gimmel is a deprecated synonym
hebrew_dalet                0xce3                hebrew_daleth is a deprecated synonym
hebrew_he                0xce4                
hebrew_waw                0xce5                
hebrew_zain                0xce6                hebrew_zayin is a deprecated synonym
hebrew_chet                0xce7                hebrew_het is a deprecated synonym
hebrew_tet                0xce8                hebrew_teth is a deprecated synonym
hebrew_yod                0xce9                
hebrew_finalkaph                0xcea                
hebrew_kaph                0xceb                
hebrew_lamed                0xcec                
hebrew_finalmem                0xced                
hebrew_mem                0xcee                
hebrew_finalnun                0xcef                
hebrew_nun                0xcf0                
hebrew_samech                0xcf1                hebrew_samekh is a deprecated synonym
hebrew_ayin                0xcf2                
hebrew_finalpe                0xcf3                
hebrew_pe                0xcf4                
hebrew_finalzade                0xcf5                hebrew_finalzadi is a deprecated synonym
hebrew_zade                0xcf6                hebrew_zadi is a deprecated synonym
hebrew_qoph                0xcf7                hebrew_kuf is a deprecated synonym
hebrew_resh                0xcf8                
hebrew_shin                0xcf9                
hebrew_taw                0xcfa                hebrew_taf is a deprecated synonym
Thai_kokai                0xda1                
Thai_khokhai                0xda2                
Thai_khokhuat                0xda3                
Thai_khokhwai                0xda4                
Thai_khokhon                0xda5                
Thai_khorakhang                0xda6                
Thai_ngongu                0xda7                
Thai_chochan                0xda8                
Thai_choching                0xda9                
Thai_chochang                0xdaa                
Thai_soso                0xdab                
Thai_chochoe                0xdac                
Thai_yoying                0xdad                
Thai_dochada                0xdae                
Thai_topatak                0xdaf                
Thai_thothan                0xdb0                
Thai_thonangmontho                0xdb1                
Thai_thophuthao                0xdb2                
Thai_nonen                0xdb3                
Thai_dodek                0xdb4                
Thai_totao                0xdb5                
Thai_thothung                0xdb6                
Thai_thothahan                0xdb7                
Thai_thothong                0xdb8                
Thai_nonu                0xdb9                
Thai_bobaimai                0xdba                
Thai_popla                0xdbb                
Thai_phophung                0xdbc                
Thai_fofa                0xdbd                
Thai_phophan                0xdbe                
Thai_fofan                0xdbf                
Thai_phosamphao                0xdc0                
Thai_moma                0xdc1                
Thai_yoyak                0xdc2                
Thai_rorua                0xdc3                
Thai_ru                0xdc4                
Thai_loling                0xdc5                
Thai_lu                0xdc6                
Thai_wowaen                0xdc7                
Thai_sosala                0xdc8                
Thai_sorusi                0xdc9                
Thai_sosua                0xdca                
Thai_hohip                0xdcb                
Thai_lochula                0xdcc                
Thai_oang                0xdcd                
Thai_honokhuk                0xdce                
Thai_paiyannoi                0xdcf                
Thai_saraa                0xdd0                
Thai_maihanakat                0xdd1                
Thai_saraaa                0xdd2                
Thai_saraam                0xdd3                
Thai_sarai                0xdd4                
Thai_saraii                0xdd5                
Thai_saraue                0xdd6                
Thai_sarauee                0xdd7                
Thai_sarau                0xdd8                
Thai_sarauu                0xdd9                
Thai_phinthu                0xdda                
Thai_maihanakat_maitho                0xdde                
Thai_baht                0xddf                
Thai_sarae                0xde0                
Thai_saraae                0xde1                
Thai_sarao                0xde2                
Thai_saraaimaimuan                0xde3                
Thai_saraaimaimalai                0xde4                
Thai_lakkhangyao                0xde5                
Thai_maiyamok                0xde6                
Thai_maitaikhu                0xde7                
Thai_maiek                0xde8                
Thai_maitho                0xde9                
Thai_maitri                0xdea                
Thai_maichattawa                0xdeb                
Thai_thanthakhat                0xdec                
Thai_nikhahit                0xded                
Thai_leksun                0xdf0                
Thai_leknung                0xdf1                
Thai_leksong                0xdf2                
Thai_leksam                0xdf3                
Thai_leksi                0xdf4                
Thai_lekha                0xdf5                
Thai_lekhok                0xdf6                
Thai_lekchet                0xdf7                
Thai_lekpaet                0xdf8                
Thai_lekkao                0xdf9                
Hangul                0xff31                Hangul start/stop(toggle)
Hangul_Start                0xff32                Hangul start
Hangul_End                0xff33                Hangul end, English start
Hangul_Hanja                0xff34                Start Hangul->Hanja Conversion
Hangul_Jamo                0xff35                Hangul Jamo mode
Hangul_Romaja                0xff36                Hangul Romaja mode
Hangul_Codeinput                0xff37                Hangul code input mode
Hangul_Jeonja                0xff38                Jeonja mode
Hangul_Banja                0xff39                Banja mode
Hangul_PreHanja                0xff3a                Pre Hanja conversion
Hangul_PostHanja                0xff3b                Post Hanja conversion
Hangul_SingleCandidate                0xff3c                Single candidate
Hangul_MultipleCandidate                0xff3d                Multiple candidate
Hangul_PreviousCandidate                0xff3e                Previous candidate
Hangul_Special                0xff3f                Special symbols
Hangul_Kiyeog                0xea1                
Hangul_SsangKiyeog                0xea2                
Hangul_KiyeogSios                0xea3                
Hangul_Nieun                0xea4                
Hangul_NieunJieuj                0xea5                
Hangul_NieunHieuh                0xea6                
Hangul_Dikeud                0xea7                
Hangul_SsangDikeud                0xea8                
Hangul_Rieul                0xea9                
Hangul_RieulKiyeog                0xeaa                
Hangul_RieulMieum                0xeab                
Hangul_RieulPieub                0xeac                
Hangul_RieulSios                0xead                
Hangul_RieulTieut                0xeae                
Hangul_RieulPhieuf                0xeaf                
Hangul_RieulHieuh                0xeb0                
Hangul_Mieum                0xeb1                
Hangul_Pieub                0xeb2                
Hangul_SsangPieub                0xeb3                
Hangul_PieubSios                0xeb4                
Hangul_Sios                0xeb5                
Hangul_SsangSios                0xeb6                
Hangul_Ieung                0xeb7                
Hangul_Jieuj                0xeb8                
Hangul_SsangJieuj                0xeb9                
Hangul_Cieuc                0xeba                
Hangul_Khieuq                0xebb                
Hangul_Tieut                0xebc                
Hangul_Phieuf                0xebd                
Hangul_Hieuh                0xebe                
Hangul_A                0xebf                
Hangul_AE                0xec0                
Hangul_YA                0xec1                
Hangul_YAE                0xec2                
Hangul_EO                0xec3                
Hangul_E                0xec4                
Hangul_YEO                0xec5                
Hangul_YE                0xec6                
Hangul_O                0xec7                
Hangul_WA                0xec8                
Hangul_WAE                0xec9                
Hangul_OE                0xeca                
Hangul_YO                0xecb                
Hangul_U                0xecc                
Hangul_WEO                0xecd                
Hangul_WE                0xece                
Hangul_WI                0xecf                
Hangul_YU                0xed0                
Hangul_EU                0xed1                
Hangul_YI                0xed2                
Hangul_I                0xed3                
Hangul_J_Kiyeog                0xed4                
Hangul_J_SsangKiyeog                0xed5                
Hangul_J_KiyeogSios                0xed6                
Hangul_J_Nieun                0xed7                
Hangul_J_NieunJieuj                0xed8                
Hangul_J_NieunHieuh                0xed9                
Hangul_J_Dikeud                0xeda                
Hangul_J_Rieul                0xedb                
Hangul_J_RieulKiyeog                0xedc                
Hangul_J_RieulMieum                0xedd                
Hangul_J_RieulPieub                0xede                
Hangul_J_RieulSios                0xedf                
Hangul_J_RieulTieut                0xee0                
Hangul_J_RieulPhieuf                0xee1                
Hangul_J_RieulHieuh                0xee2                
Hangul_J_Mieum                0xee3                
Hangul_J_Pieub                0xee4                
Hangul_J_PieubSios                0xee5                
Hangul_J_Sios                0xee6                
Hangul_J_SsangSios                0xee7                
Hangul_J_Ieung                0xee8                
Hangul_J_Jieuj                0xee9                
Hangul_J_Cieuc                0xeea                
Hangul_J_Khieuq                0xeeb                
Hangul_J_Tieut                0xeec                
Hangul_J_Phieuf                0xeed                
Hangul_J_Hieuh                0xeee                
Hangul_RieulYeorinHieuh                0xeef                
Hangul_SunkyeongeumMieum                0xef0                
Hangul_SunkyeongeumPieub                0xef1                
Hangul_PanSios                0xef2                
Hangul_KkogjiDalrinIeung                0xef3                
Hangul_SunkyeongeumPhieuf                0xef4                
Hangul_YeorinHieuh                0xef5                
Hangul_AraeA                0xef6                
Hangul_AraeAE                0xef7                
Hangul_J_PanSios                0xef8                
Hangul_J_KkogjiDalrinIeung                0xef9                
Hangul_J_YeorinHieuh                0xefa                
Korean_Won                0xeff                
Armenian_eternity                0x14a1                
Armenian_ligature_ew                0x14a2                
Armenian_full_stop                0x14a3                Armenian_verjaket is a deprecated synonym
Armenian_parenright                0x14a4                
Armenian_parenleft                0x14a5                
Armenian_guillemotright                0x14a6                
Armenian_guillemotleft                0x14a7                
Armenian_em_dash                0x14a8                
Armenian_dot                0x14a9                Armenian_mijaket is a deprecated synonym
Armenian_separation_mark                0x14aa                Armenian_but is a deprecated synonym
Armenian_comma                0x14ab                
Armenian_en_dash                0x14ac                
Armenian_hyphen                0x14ad                Armenian_yentamna is a deprecated synonym
Armenian_ellipsis                0x14ae                
Armenian_exclam                0x14af                Armenian_amanak is a deprecated synonym
Armenian_accent                0x14b0                Armenian_shesht is a deprecated synonym
Armenian_question                0x14b1                Armenian_paruyk is a deprecated synonym
Armenian_AYB                0x14b2                
Armenian_ayb                0x14b3                
Armenian_BEN                0x14b4                
Armenian_ben                0x14b5                
Armenian_GIM                0x14b6                
Armenian_gim                0x14b7                
Armenian_DA                0x14b8                
Armenian_da                0x14b9                
Armenian_YECH                0x14ba                
Armenian_yech                0x14bb                
Armenian_ZA                0x14bc                
Armenian_za                0x14bd                
Armenian_E                0x14be                
Armenian_e                0x14bf                
Armenian_AT                0x14c0                
Armenian_at                0x14c1                
Armenian_TO                0x14c2                
Armenian_to                0x14c3                
Armenian_ZHE                0x14c4                
Armenian_zhe                0x14c5                
Armenian_INI                0x14c6                
Armenian_ini                0x14c7                
Armenian_LYUN                0x14c8                
Armenian_lyun                0x14c9                
Armenian_KHE                0x14ca                
Armenian_khe                0x14cb                
Armenian_TSA                0x14cc                
Armenian_tsa                0x14cd                
Armenian_KEN                0x14ce                
Armenian_ken                0x14cf                
Armenian_HO                0x14d0                
Armenian_ho                0x14d1                
Armenian_DZA                0x14d2                
Armenian_dza                0x14d3                
Armenian_GHAT                0x14d4                
Armenian_ghat                0x14d5                
Armenian_TCHE                0x14d6                
Armenian_tche                0x14d7                
Armenian_MEN                0x14d8                
Armenian_men                0x14d9                
Armenian_HI                0x14da                
Armenian_hi                0x14db                
Armenian_NU                0x14dc                
Armenian_nu                0x14dd                
Armenian_SHA                0x14de                
Armenian_sha                0x14df                
Armenian_VO                0x14e0                
Armenian_vo                0x14e1                
Armenian_CHA                0x14e2                
Armenian_cha                0x14e3                
Armenian_PE                0x14e4                
Armenian_pe                0x14e5                
Armenian_JE                0x14e6                
Armenian_je                0x14e7                
Armenian_RA                0x14e8                
Armenian_ra                0x14e9                
Armenian_SE                0x14ea                
Armenian_se                0x14eb                
Armenian_VEV                0x14ec                
Armenian_vev                0x14ed                
Armenian_TYUN                0x14ee                
Armenian_tyun                0x14ef                
Armenian_RE                0x14f0                
Armenian_re                0x14f1                
Armenian_TSO                0x14f2                
Armenian_tso                0x14f3                
Armenian_VYUN                0x14f4                
Armenian_vyun                0x14f5                
Armenian_PYUR                0x14f6                
Armenian_pyur                0x14f7                
Armenian_KE                0x14f8                
Armenian_ke                0x14f9                
Armenian_O                0x14fa                
Armenian_o                0x14fb                
Armenian_FE                0x14fc                
Armenian_fe                0x14fd                
Armenian_apostrophe                0x14fe                
Armenian_section_sign                0x14ff                
Georgian_an                0x15d0                
Georgian_ban                0x15d1                
Georgian_gan                0x15d2                
Georgian_don                0x15d3                
Georgian_en                0x15d4                
Georgian_vin                0x15d5                
Georgian_zen                0x15d6                
Georgian_tan                0x15d7                
Georgian_in                0x15d8                
Georgian_kan                0x15d9                
Georgian_las                0x15da                
Georgian_man                0x15db                
Georgian_nar                0x15dc                
Georgian_on                0x15dd                
Georgian_par                0x15de                
Georgian_zhar                0x15df                
Georgian_rae                0x15e0                
Georgian_san                0x15e1                
Georgian_tar                0x15e2                
Georgian_un                0x15e3                
Georgian_phar                0x15e4                
Georgian_khar                0x15e5                
Georgian_ghan                0x15e6                
Georgian_qar                0x15e7                
Georgian_shin                0x15e8                
Georgian_chin                0x15e9                
Georgian_can                0x15ea                
Georgian_jil                0x15eb                
Georgian_cil                0x15ec                
Georgian_char                0x15ed                
Georgian_xan                0x15ee                
Georgian_jhan                0x15ef                
Georgian_hae                0x15f0                
Georgian_he                0x15f1                
Georgian_hie                0x15f2                
Georgian_we                0x15f3                
Georgian_har                0x15f4                
Georgian_hoe                0x15f5                
Georgian_fi                0x15f6                
Ccedillaabovedot                0x16a2                
Xabovedot                0x16a3                
Qabovedot                0x16a5                
IE                0x16a7                
UO                0x16a8                
Zstroke                0x16a9                
ccedillaabovedot                0x16b2                
xabovedot                0x16b3                
qabovedot                0x16b5                
ie                0x16b7                
uo                0x16b8                
zstroke                0x16b9                
SCHWA                0x16c6                
schwa                0x16f6                
Lbelowdot                0x16d1                
Lstrokebelowdot                0x16d2                
lbelowdot                0x16e1                
lstrokebelowdot                0x16e2                
Gtilde                0x16d3                
gtilde                0x16e3                
Abelowdot                0x1ea0                
abelowdot                0x1ea1                
Ahook                0x1ea2                
ahook                0x1ea3                
Acircumflexacute                0x1ea4                
acircumflexacute                0x1ea5                
Acircumflexgrave                0x1ea6                
acircumflexgrave                0x1ea7                
Acircumflexhook                0x1ea8                
acircumflexhook                0x1ea9                
Acircumflextilde                0x1eaa                
acircumflextilde                0x1eab                
Acircumflexbelowdot                0x1eac                
acircumflexbelowdot                0x1ead                
Abreveacute                0x1eae                
abreveacute                0x1eaf                
Abrevegrave                0x1eb0                
abrevegrave                0x1eb1                
Abrevehook                0x1eb2                
abrevehook                0x1eb3                
Abrevetilde                0x1eb4                
abrevetilde                0x1eb5                
Abrevebelowdot                0x1eb6                
abrevebelowdot                0x1eb7                
Ebelowdot                0x1eb8                
ebelowdot                0x1eb9                
Ehook                0x1eba                
ehook                0x1ebb                
Etilde                0x1ebc                
etilde                0x1ebd                
Ecircumflexacute                0x1ebe                
ecircumflexacute                0x1ebf                
Ecircumflexgrave                0x1ec0                
ecircumflexgrave                0x1ec1                
Ecircumflexhook                0x1ec2                
ecircumflexhook                0x1ec3                
Ecircumflextilde                0x1ec4                
ecircumflextilde                0x1ec5                
Ecircumflexbelowdot                0x1ec6                
ecircumflexbelowdot                0x1ec7                
Ihook                0x1ec8                
ihook                0x1ec9                
Ibelowdot                0x1eca                
ibelowdot                0x1ecb                
Obelowdot                0x1ecc                
obelowdot                0x1ecd                
Ohook                0x1ece                
ohook                0x1ecf                
Ocircumflexacute                0x1ed0                
ocircumflexacute                0x1ed1                
Ocircumflexgrave                0x1ed2                
ocircumflexgrave                0x1ed3                
Ocircumflexhook                0x1ed4                
ocircumflexhook                0x1ed5                
Ocircumflextilde                0x1ed6                
ocircumflextilde                0x1ed7                
Ocircumflexbelowdot                0x1ed8                
ocircumflexbelowdot                0x1ed9                
Ohornacute                0x1eda                
ohornacute                0x1edb                
Ohorngrave                0x1edc                
ohorngrave                0x1edd                
Ohornhook                0x1ede                
ohornhook                0x1edf                
Ohorntilde                0x1ee0                
ohorntilde                0x1ee1                
Ohornbelowdot                0x1ee2                
ohornbelowdot                0x1ee3                
Ubelowdot                0x1ee4                
ubelowdot                0x1ee5                
Uhook                0x1ee6                
uhook                0x1ee7                
Uhornacute                0x1ee8                
uhornacute                0x1ee9                
Uhorngrave                0x1eea                
uhorngrave                0x1eeb                
Uhornhook                0x1eec                
uhornhook                0x1eed                
Uhorntilde                0x1eee                
uhorntilde                0x1eef                
Uhornbelowdot                0x1ef0                
uhornbelowdot                0x1ef1                
Ybelowdot                0x1ef4                
ybelowdot                0x1ef5                
Yhook                0x1ef6                
yhook                0x1ef7                
Ytilde                0x1ef8                
ytilde                0x1ef9                
Ohorn                0x1efa                U+01a0
ohorn                0x1efb                U+01a1
Uhorn                0x1efc                U+01af
uhorn                0x1efd                U+01b0
combining_tilde                0x1e9f                U+0303
combining_grave                0x1ef2                U+0300
combining_acute                0x1ef3                U+0301
combining_hook                0x1efe                U+0309
combining_belowdot                0x1eff                U+0323
EcuSign                0x20a0                
ColonSign                0x20a1                
CruzeiroSign                0x20a2                
FFrancSign                0x20a3                
LiraSign                0x20a4                
MillSign                0x20a5                
NairaSign                0x20a6                
PesetaSign                0x20a7                
RupeeSign                0x20a8                
WonSign                0x20a9                
NewSheqelSign                0x20aa                
DongSign                0x20ab                
EuroSign                0x20ac                
