Unturned: uEssentials
Requires The Legally Distinct Missile (or LDM): see Unturned: RocketMod
- Unturned the game -> Unturned: Server -> Unturned: RocketMod -> Unturned: uEssentials
You can use the following command(s) to see all uEssential options
/uessentials /essentials /ess
All three provide the same response. The form "ess" is abbreviated.
All uessential commands can be displayed from game chat or server console. There are 4 pages of commands that can be displayed with the following commands:
/ess commands 1 /ess commands 2 /ess commands 3 /ess commands 4
Again, the "ess" being abbreviated. There are many commands.
You can get details and syntax help on any specific command. For example, for more details on the command "maxskills" we would type:
/ess help maxskills
Find out your version of uEssentials
/ess info
Other options
/ess reload /ess savedata
permissions examples
<DefaultGroup>default</DefaultGroup> <Groups> <Group> <Id>default</Id> <DisplayName>Guest</DisplayName> <Prefix>Player</Prefix> <Suffix /> <Color>white</Color> <Members /> <Priority>100</Priority> <Permissions> <Permission Cooldown="0">essentials.command.kits</Permission> <Permission Cooldown="0">essentials.command.kit</Permission> <Permission Cooldown="90">essentials.kit.fuel</Permission> <Permission Cooldown="90">essentials.kit.starter</Permission> </Permissions> </Group>
Other examples:
essentials.command.tpa essentials.command.tpa.send essentials.command.tpa.accept essentials.command.tpa.deny essentials.command.tpa.cancel
Commands from uEssentials have to be prefixed with "essentials." to work.
The example in this internal link has entries for both native Rocket commands and those for uEssentials:
Kits are stored in the data path:
Kit command permission is in:
To create a kit, specify a name for the new kit, and the cooldown. The cooldown is an optional parameter.
/ckit airplane 60
Delete kit (if the kit name is airplane)
/dkit airplane