
Unturned: RocketMod

4,566 bytes added, 16:05, 22 June 2022
/* Uconomy and ZaupShop */
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
RocketMod .NET Game Server Plugin Framework for [[Unturned]] the Online Game.  The Legally Distinct Missile aka LDM is the latest version of RocketMod.RocketMod .NET Game Server Plugin Framework for the [[Unturned: Server]].  The Legally Distinct Missile aka LDM is the latest version of RocketMod. * [[Unturned]] the game -> [[Unturned: Server]] -> Unturned: RocketModTPAtpa is part of uEssentials and therefore when added to Permissions.config.xml it will require the "essentials.kit." prefix. <nowiki>        <Permission Cooldown="60">essentials.command.tpa</Permission></nowiki> <nowiki>        <Permission Cooldown="60">essentials.command.tpa.send</Permission></nowiki> <nowiki>        <Permission Cooldown="60">essentials.command.tpa.cancel</Permission></nowiki> <nowiki>        <Permission Cooldown="60">essentials.command.tpa.accept</Permission></nowiki> <nowiki>        <Permission Cooldown="60">essentials.command.tpa.deny</Permission></nowiki>== Rocket Permissions ==On the official Rocket Wiki (outdated version) you can find some sample configuration and information.  * can blacklist items and vehicles.  This does not restrict the admin group, however it will prevent any other player from using something like the /i command to obtain blacklisted items and vehicles.  The items may still naturally spawn.  At the bottom of ( unturned/Rocket/Plugins/uEssentials/config.json ) look for the following 2 lines: "GiveItemBlacklist": [], "VehicleBlacklist": [].They are not populated with any example id's.  Use the correct format and add those items and vehicles you want blacklisted.  See syntax example:  "GiveItemBlacklist": [    58886,    58680,    58709,    58870  ],  "VehicleBlacklist": [    375,    376,    377  ],change requires complete server restart.===AdvancedZones===* unturned/Rocket/Plugins/AdvancedZones/AdvancedZones.configuration.xmlZone command examples /zone add zone MySafeZone /zone add mesage MySafeZone blah blah /zone list zones /zone show border MySafeZone on /zone show node MySafeZone on===Uconomy and ZaupShop===It is not necessary to have ZaupShop to have Uconomy, however, ZaupShop requres Uconomy.  Some people erroneously search for the term Ueconomy instead of Uconomy so it is mentioned here.  A digital economy.  Players can get paid for killing Zombies or each other.  You also need ZaupUconomyEsentials: you can change how much people get in the configuration from every zombie killed.'''Uconomy Provides:'''Only those players who are whitelisted will be able to use the uconomy commands.  Commands:* /balance* /pay - use /pay [player name] [amount] - '''[[ZaupShop]] Provides:'''Allows a shop for players to use Uconomy currency to buy items and vehicles. Buying vehicles is turned off by default. 3 commands: /shop, /cost, /buy, and /sell.# /shop - meant for admin use only to configure items in the shop# /cost# /sell /buy [v.]<item name or id>/[amount]This will use the same name to id find as /i. Use v for vehicles.  Amount is only available for items and is optional, default is 1. /cost [v.]<item name or id>Same as above but will display the user the cost of asked for item/vehicle as well as the sell cost if there is one (sell cost for magazines and ammunition boxes is for full capacity not individual bullets). /sell <item name or id>/[amount]This will allow you to sell items (no vehicles) back to the shop. If QualityCounts is set to true, the quality of the item will determine how much of the price is received.  If buyback is 1.00 and quality is 45%, you’ll receive 0.45 for example.  For magazines and ammunition boxes, it will buy back individual bullets. Quality isn’t used here as there is none.  So if you want to sell a full military ammo box of 40, you’ll do /sell military ammunition/40. /shop <add/rem/chng/buy>/[v.]<itemid>/<cost>This is the most complicated as it has multiple options. add (Adding), rem (Removing), chng (Change cost), buy (Buyback amount), v is needed if dealing with vehicles. Itemids only (no names) for this command and one is required. Cost is not required for rem, but is required for the others.  You do have to add the buyback amount separately from the add or chng.Permissions.config.xmlIn the default group: <Permissions> <Permission Cooldown="0">pay</Permission> </Permissions>==Troubleshooting and Support==You can force an update to LDM on most hosting providers by removing all contents of the directory: Modules/Rocket.Unturnedand reboot===imperial===Some pay plugins use LDM, like Advanced Regions.  Configuration to enable or disable is controlled by the file: /Servers/unturned/Rocket/Plugins/ImperialPluginsLoader/ImperialPluginsLoader.configuration.xmlAll the license keys are in this file.