
Monosodium Glutamate

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You can mitigate the consumption of MSG, however, if you live in the United States you probably cannot avoid some degree of consumption.  Some restaurants that claim to have MSG free food have been found to be using MSG or in many circumstances their food supplier had used MSG in the processing and therefore the food already had MSG prior to delivery to the restaurant.  Either way, you may ingest MSG without knowing it, and otherwise while you attempt to avoid it, you will likely suffer no negative impact with the occasional accidental consumption of MSG.Some people may experience adverse effects from consuming MSG due to a condition known as Chinese restaurant syndrome or MSG symptom complex.  Symptoms included headache, muscle tightness, numbness, tingling, weakness and flushing and is somewhat supported by a 1997 study in which  people with self-reported MSG sensitivity consumed either 5 grams of MSG or a placebo and 36.1% reported reactions with MSG compared to 24.6% with a placebo.  * [ The monosodium glutamate symptom complex: Assessment in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study] - June 1997The threshold dose that causes symptoms seems to be around 3 grams per meal which is far greater than what you would ordinarily find in any meal at a Chinese restaurant or grocery store purchased snack food, we hope.  The FDA should force companies to indicate how much MSG is in a food product.  For example, Nabisco Chicken in a Biskit Baked Snack Crackers contains Monosodium Glutamate, however, the box does not indicate how much, and neither does the Nabisco web site.Possible side effects of consuming excessive amounts of MSG:* headache, muscle tightness, numbness, tingling, weakness and flushing* asthma attacks in susceptible individuals* weight gainAlthough many believe MSG might tend to make a person feel more full after consuming a meal, some studies indicate the opposite.  In China, increased MSG intake has been linked to weight gain with average intake ranging from 0.33–2.2 grams per day.  Again, under normal conditions with limited consumption of MSG you should suffer no ill effects.  Long term impact over years on consumption is completely unknown.  If you feel as though MSG is causing a health concern then proactively limit your consumption as much as possible.