Talk:Multimedia Key Mapping in Mythbuntu using xmodmap

Revision as of 17:01, 28 February 2015 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

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Middle Mouse Button

Here is how to convert the PrintScreen key into a middle mouse button:

xmodmap -e 'keysym Print = Pointer_Button2'
xkbset m
xkbset exp =m

You need the xkbset program to change a keypress event into a buttonpress event. xkbset can be downloaded from: ( or xkbset-0.5.tar.gz, local copy)

xmodmap can be used to make a key on the keyboard behave as a mouse click. it cannot make a mouse click behave as a key being pressed. For that a program called xbindkeys is needed.

Last modified on 28 February 2015, at 17:01