Google Annoyances
From Free Knowledge Base- The DUCK Project: information for everyone
[hide]Google Video
hide the progress bar in google video
If you are watching a google video, such as this one:
Switch to full screen mode - you will note that the bottom of the screen has a persistent google play bar. It is bright, ugly, distracting, and causes image retention on plasma displays. It is the google player widget, and there is no option to hide this obnoxious bar in full screen (Google is obnoxious).
Solution: Open the stream in VLC Player. copy the entire videoplay URL and paste it into the option under VLC (MEDIA -> OPEN NETWORK STREAM).
Google Picasa
Picasa Web Albums stealing pictures from Android phone
The Google+ application which is pre-installed, will by default automatically upload photos you take on your Android device.
See: Android Security and Privacy