Olegs Firmware on Asus WL-500gP

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Advantages to upgrading to Oleg's Firmware: You get the regular Asus WL-500gP web based GUI configuration and more. The underlying Linux system is unlocked for you to access via telnet or ssh. Additional features: Using the AP in "client mode" is not supported by the Asus stock firmware. With Oleg's firmware you can do this and more.

Installing Oleg's Firmware

Use the Asus flash utility. "Firmware Restoration".

Using the AP in Client Mode

since firmware :

(works with firmware is


- set the router SSID to SSID of the AP you wish to connect to
- set LAN interface parameters and workstation
- set WAN interface to parameters of wireless network from AP because in
  • Wireless, Advanced, set Extended mode to "station" so wl scan would work client mode the WAN and WLAN functions are exchanged.


- nvram set 13_x_ClientMode=1 (0=ap, 1=sta, 2=wet)
- nvram commit
- reboot

Use "wl assoc" to check the connection status.

nvram set 13_x_ClientMode=1
nvram commit

You can scan for networks and view the results with the following

wl scan; sleep 2s; wl scanresults

Web Resources