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Aerb Remote Control MX3

968 bytes added, 02:46, 1 March 2015
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Important Notice: This is a universal controller. It is normal that few keys might not be applicable to your device because of different codec by different manufacture.  * Important Notice: This is a universal controller. It is normal that few keys might not be applicable to your device because of different codec by different manufacture. * The button labeled "Return" in the picture actually represents a "middle" or 3rd mouse button on a Linux system such as [[Mythbuntu]].=== MythTV Mapping Suggestions ===Here is a sample xmodmap for this remote: keycode 176 = Left keycode 216 = Right keycode 173 = Home keycode 171 = End keycode 69 = Escape keycode 172 = p P keycode 135 = m M keycode 180 = Menu keycode 163 = i I keycode 68 = w WHere is a sample .xbindkeyrc file entry for this remote: # 3rd mouse button -dbw "xvkbd  -text "\e""    m:0x0 + b:3The result is forcing the multimedia hotkeys to perform actions on the MythTV media player and library rather than the DVD drive as well as the mouse-3 button behaving as though the ESCAPE key is pressed.  This makes the remote much more MythTV friendly.  Note that after modification of these two files it will be necessary to completely reboot the system.  Simply attempting a restart of xbindkey will result in bind failure.