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EMail Using BCC

30 bytes added, 19:41, 29 July 2015
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* So someone on the list that hits "reply" doesn't email the whole list.</big>* So someone on the list that hits "reply" doesn't email the whole list if they just want the sender.</big>Yeah some annoying email programs hide it at first.  You can tell the email program to show the BCC field by default so you can use it to send secure, polite, and professional emails.  Afterall, it is actually very rude to each recipient to expose their address to each member of the list!Yeah some annoying email programs hide it at first.  You can tell the email program to show the BCC field by default so you can use it to send secure, polite, and professional emails.  After all, it is actually very rude to each recipient to expose their address to each member of the list!