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The Basics of VB6

726 bytes added, 20:41, 21 September 2007
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=== TabStrip Control ===Tabs are not containers!  In design time you cannot just select a tab and drop a control on it, assigning a different control to each tab.  It just isn't how tabs work.You must trap the click event and determine which tab is being clicked.  Private Sub TabStrip1_Click()    SelectedTab = TabStrip1.SelectedItem.Index  End SubSetting the default tab Private Sub Form_Load()  'default to first tab (note: indexing starts at 1 - this is how control is designed)  TabStrip1.Tabs(1).Selected = True End SubTabs That Are Containers:If you wish to use tabs that are containers, look at SStab, which is in the component Microsoft Tabbed Dialog Control 6.0 (SP5). The .OCX is TABCTL32.ocx.