Talk:EN21 Verified Area Nets

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These nets I have either monitored, to verify, or checked in. Current as of: April 2016

70cm Nets

  • (444.325+)(FM)... Saturday 8:00pm, UNVERIFIED, Tech Net.
  • (444.325+)(FM)... Saturday 7:00pm, UNVERIFIED, Tech Net. kd0ivv announced.

1.25m Nets

  • (224.760-)(FM)... Wednesday 8:00pm, 220 Ghost Net, Informal, casual chat.
  • (224.760-)(FM)... Friday 10:00pm, 220 Ghost Net, Informal, casual chat.

2m Nets

  • (146.940+)(FM)... Sunday 9:00pm, Douglas Co ARES, Formal, announcements and checkins only. (147.36+ backup)
  • (145.290-)(FM)... Monday 7:00pm, Heartland Hams, Formal, announcements and chat.
  • (146.940+)(FM)... Monday 9:00pm, SWIARC Info Net, Casual, Predetermined Subject. Chat.
  • (146.820-)(FM)... Wednesday 9:00pm, SWIARC, Casual, Open Chat.
  • (146.820-)(FM)... Saturday 12:00pm, SWIARC, Casual, swap net, buy, sale, trade.

6m Nets

  • (50.200)(SSB)... Tuesday at 8:00pm, Simplex, Casual, Open Chat.

10m Nets

  • (28.350)(SSB)... Thursday at 8:00pm. VERIFIED, Casual, wb0gbi, Mitch as net control, Chat.
  • (28.305)(SSB)... Thursday at 9:00pm. UNVERIFIED 28.305 10-Meter Net.

80m Nets

  • (3.970)(SSB)... Weekdays at 7:00am
  • (3.982)(SSB)... Weekdays at 7:30am, Nebraska Morning Phone Net, verified, weather reports from across the area and announcements.
  • (3.950)(SSB)... Weekdays at 8:00am, West Nebraska Net, verified

IRLP via Repeater

  • (443.925+)(FM)... Mon-Sat at 9:00am. Say Good Morning With Radio IRLP Net, Casual, Predetermined Subject. (Node 966)
  • (444.800+)(FM)... Mon-Sat at 9:00am. Say Good Morning With Radio IRLP Net, Casual, Predetermined Subject. (Node 966)
  • (444.800+)(FM)... Fri at 8:00pm. Friday Night International IRLP Net, Casual, Predetermined Subject. (Node 966)
  • (443.925+)(FM)... Sat at 9:00pm. Kansas Nebraska K-Link Saturday IRLP Net, Casual, Say Hello. (Node 933)
  • (443.925+)(FM)... Sun at 8:30pm. Sunday Nebraska IRLP Net, Casual, Check-ins by node/region. Say Hello. (Node 987-5)


wiki table format

These nets I have either monitored, to verify, or checked in. Current as of: April 2016

444.325+ FM Saturday @ 8:00pm Tech Net (unverified) technical discussion Technology Net
146.940+ FM Sunday @ 9:00pm Douglas Co ARES Formal announcements and checkins only.

70cm Nets

  • (444.325+)(FM)... Saturday 8:00pm, UNVERIFIED, Tech Net.

2m Nets

  • (146.940+)(FM)... Sunday 9:00pm, Douglas Co ARES, Formal, announcements and checkins only.
  • (145.290-)(FM)... Monday 7:00pm, Heartland Hams, Formal, announcements and chat.
  • (146.940+)(FM)... Monday 9:00pm, SWIARC Info Net, Casual, Predetermined Subject. Chat.
  • (146.820-)(FM)... Wednesday 9:00pm, SWIARC, Casual, Open Chat.
  • (146.820-)(FM)... Saturday 12:00pm, SWIARC, Casual, swap net, buy, sale, trade.

6m Nets

  • (50.200)(SSB)... Tuesday at 8:00pm, Simplex, Casual, Open Chat.

10m Nets

  • (28.350)(SSB)... Thursday at 8:00pm. VERIFIED, Casual, wb0gbi, Mitch as net control, Chat.
  • (28.305)(SSB)... Thursday at 9:00pm. UNVERIFIED 28.305 10-Meter Net.

80m Nets

  • (3.982)(SSB)... Weekdays at 7:30am, Nebraska Net, verified, weather reports from across the area and announcements.
  • (3.950)(SSB)... Weekdays at 8:00am, West Nebraska Net, verified

IRLP via Repeater



These nets I have either monitored, to verify, or checked in. Current as of: July 2016

The physical location of the repeater does not have to be in EN21, however, the repeater must be accessible using ordinary means by a ham operator from within the EN21 area.

SUNDAY   [a][q]                 WEDNESDAY  [e][f][j][l][n]        SATURDAY [h][i][t][n]
MONDAY   [e][f][c][d][r][n]     THURSDAY   [e][f][m][s][n]        
TUESDAY  [e][f][g][b][n]        FRIDAY     [e][f][k][n]           UNCAT [-]

70cm Nets

  • (444.325+)(FM).. [i] Saturday 7:00pm, Heartland Hams Saturday Tech Net, Informal, casual chat and technical assistance oriented.
    this net has been moved to N0WKF 2m repeater; same time and day.

1.25m Nets

  • (224.760-)(FM).. [-] Weeknights 9:00pm, 220 Ghost Net, Informal, casual chat.
  • (224.760-)(FM).. [k] Friday 10:00pm, 220 Promote the Band Net, Informal, casual chat and 1.25cm related discussion

2m Nets

  • (145.130+)(FM).. [q] Sunday 8:00pm, Harrison Co ARES, Formal, announcements, checkins, chat.
  • (146.940+)(FM).. [a] Sunday 9:00pm, Douglas County ARES Net, Formal, announcements and checkins only. (147.36+ backup)
  • (145.290-)(FM).. [c] Monday 7:00pm, Heartland Hams, Formal, announcements and chat.
  • (145.130-)(FM).. [r] Monday 7:30pm, Boyer Valley Monday Evening net, ??????, chat. kc0sum net control.
  • (146.940+)(FM).. [d] Monday 9:00pm, SWIARC Info Net, Casual, Predetermined Subject. Chat.
  • (146.820-)(FM).. [b] Tuesday 9:00pm, Disaster Prep Net, Casual, Predetermined Subject. Chat. KD0NME net control.
  • (147.390+)(FM).. [-] Wednesday 8:00pm, Scout Chat Net, Casual, To promote radio scouting. KD0NMD net control.
  • (146.820-)(FM).. [l] Wednesday 9:00pm, SWIARC, Casual, Open Chat.
  • (145.130+)(FM).. [s] Thursday 8:30pm (!), Boyer Valley Tech net, Formal, tech chat.
  • (146.820-)(FM).. [h] Saturday 12:00pm, SWIARC, Casual, SWIARC Saturday Noon Swap Net.
  • (145.290-)(FM).. [i] Saturday 7:00pm, Heartland Hams Saturday Tech Net, Informal, casual chat and technical assistance oriented.

(!) indicates a conflict with a previously established net

6m Nets

  • (50.200)(SSB).. [g] Tuesday at 8:00pm, Simplex, Casual, Open Chat. KQ0J retired as net control. new nc needed.

10m Nets

  • (28.350)(SSB).. [m] Thursday at 8:00pm. VERIFIED, Casual, wb0gbi, Mitch as net control, Chat.

40m Nets

  • (7282)(SSB).. [-] Daily at 1:00pm. Nebraska 40 Meter SSB Net, verified, open, weather, etc.

80m Nets

  • (3982)(SSB).. [e] Daily at 7:30am, Nebraska Morning Phone Net, verified, rollcall, weather reports from across the area and announcements.
  • (3950)(SSB).. [f] MTWTFS at 8:00am, West Nebraska Net, verified, rollcall
  • (3977)(SSB).. [t] Saturday at 8:00am, Unnamed Vintage Radio Net, verified, discussion vintage transceivers, anyone welcome.
  • (3982)(SSB).. [-] Daily at 12:30pm, Nebraska Cornhusker Net, verified, open, weather, etc.
  • (3982)(SSB).. [n] Daily at 6:30pm, Nebraska Storm Net, verified, rollcall, weather, etc.
  • (3897)(SSB).. [-] Sunday at 7:15am, 3900 Club, early checkins, members, open, and followed by a SWAP-NET classifieds

160m Nets

  • (1995)(SSB).. [-] Daily at 7:30pm, Nebraska Weather Net, verified, rollcall, weather, etc.

IRLP & EL via Repeater

Due to recent instability in these nets, and lack of repeater availability for non-IRLP users within EN21, these nets will not be provided here until further notice.

NOTE ON ECHOLINK AND IRLP NETS: Nets will only be listed if they may be accessed via a repeater without the use of a computer or software. The net must be accessible using a 2-way radio only. A local public repeater must consistently carry the net.

Central Iowa Amateur Radio Nets


AMES: 147.240 Story County ARES Net, Sunday 7:00 PM

Net Control Stations (NCS): 1st Sunday: KNØR 2nd Sunday: KDØFHS 3rd Sunday: KCØJUO 4th Sunday: open 5th Sunday: NØKJ Backups: KØCQ, ADØKX

If you would like to run the net on any Sunday, just let us know. We encourage people to gain Net Control experience.

Area Nets

AMES: 147.375+ MHz, PL tone 114.8 Hz, Cyclone ARC Net, Tuesday 7:00 PM (inactive as of JAN 2017)

BOONE: 146.850 Boone County ARES Net, Sunday 8:00 PM, followed by a net on 443.900.

DES MOINES: 146.610 (114.8) Central Iowa ARES Net, Sunday 8:00 PM. Followed by Central Iowa Technical Net on 146.940 (114.8)

DES MOINES: 146.610 (114.8) ARTS Net, Sunday 9:00 PM

DES MOINES: 146.940 (114.8) Polk County ARES Net, Thursday 7:00 PM

DES MOINES: 146.610 (114.8) Night Owl Net, Wednesday 11:00 PM

MARSHALLTOWN: 147.135 (141.3 CTSS) CIRAS Net, Sunday 6:00 PM

PERRY: 145.190 (114.8) Hiawatha ARC ARES Net, Monday 8:00 PM

SHELDAHL: 147.075 (114.8 CTCSS)(linked to others)

WEBSTER CITY: 147.015 (103.5) Hamilton Co Radio Club Net, Monday 7:00 PM

Iowa Wireless Club ARES Net, 145.310 and echolink, Saturday 9:00 PM

Statewide Nets:

DMR Statewide Talkgroup 3119, Iowa Statewide DMR Users Net, Sundays at 7:30 PM

29.570 RX, 29.670 (pl 103.5) TX, 10 meter net, Sunday 8:30 PM

3.970 Iowa 75 Meter Traffic Net, Monday - Saturday 12:30/5:30 PM (6 PM in Summer)

3.970 Iowa Traffic & Emergency Net, Sunday, 5:30 PM (6 PM in Summer)

3.990.5 Iowa RACES Net, discontinued for now

1.973 160 meter ARES net, Sundays at 9:30 PM

More net information is also available at

HF Nets of Particular Interest

  • 3.970 Iowa 75 Meter Traffic Net, Monday - Saturday 12:30/5:30 PM (6 PM in Summer)
  • 3.970 Iowa Traffic & Emergency Net, Sunday, 5:30 PM (6 PM in Summer)
  • 1.973 160 meter ARES net, Sundays at 9:30 PM

3.970 Iowa 75 Meter Traffic Net verified 18:00 Tue Oct 24 2017